Over a month since my last blog. Over a month of flying under my belt. Another month of basement living. Another month. Has come and gone. For as much of a futuristic person I am, I wish time could stand still at moments, or slow down at others. Time. I tell ya.
The job: I love it. I am baffled by it. That's the word I use most to describe my feelings. One of the great perks: overnights. I stay at (mostly) really nice hotels, having a king size bed to myself, my own humble abode for a night. I've seen more airports in the past month than I have my entire life. I've flown 78 hours of actual in-flight time, and over 282 hours away from home. This life. I truly am baffled. I offer pretzels, peanuts, and cookies, and make drinks. And finish Sudoku puzzles, watch TV shows during layovers on my iPhone, read books like I've dreamt of having time for. Is it stressful? Not really. Is it repetitive? Yes. It is challenging? Not really. Do I love it at this very moment in time? Yes.
Basement living: Has not changed. My goal was to finish our basement upon graduation, especially with what I thought would be all the free time I would have on reserve the past month and a half. Did not happen. Goal for 2012 (New Years Resolutions coming): finish the basement. Then I will not only have a humble abode away from home, but a warm, comforting basement to come home to. Because as of now, when I'm gone four days a week, paying rent elsewhere to be for three doesn't make sense.
Time. Is such a precious commodity.
| gardening | cooking | baking | cleaning | reading | traveling | flying | This is my life: a little slice of perfect.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
"On Reserve."
On Reserve. What the airline industry calls my current schedule. I like to say I'm "On Duty" because I feel I can relate to that more. Residence Life won't leave my side yet. So this reserve deal, I can work up to six days in row, but must have the seventh off under our contract. I can work no more than 14 hours a day, but there are certain exceptions to work more. I can work no more than nine "legs" per day (back and forth trips). I must work a minimum of 40 hours a month to get my contracted pay of a minimum of 75 hours. Did you catch all that?
On Reserve. Starting tonight at midnight. 24 hours. Until this upcoming Monday at midnight. I'm not sure what to make of this new schedule and new lifestyle. I have no trips declared on our online scheduling site, but they don't have to put the trips online in advance. Sometimes, the trips don't need to be filled until the last minute, hence where I come in, a phone call away. Waiting, prepared to leave at a moments notice. So, for now I wait.
I wait in my classy uniform that I love. The blazer fits perfectly; no boxy shoulders, phew. The shirts are all still crisp and bright white, just being opened out of their package. My new black shoes could walk me all around the world if needed. I love wearing the uniform. From the moment I leave my car in the parking lot to the moment I return, I feel so proud to wear the wings I earned over the past month. I walk with extra excitement in the click-clack of my heels, for I am a flight attendant. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought this would be my current life.
01 02 18
On Reserve. Starting tonight at midnight. 24 hours. Until this upcoming Monday at midnight. I'm not sure what to make of this new schedule and new lifestyle. I have no trips declared on our online scheduling site, but they don't have to put the trips online in advance. Sometimes, the trips don't need to be filled until the last minute, hence where I come in, a phone call away. Waiting, prepared to leave at a moments notice. So, for now I wait.
I wait in my classy uniform that I love. The blazer fits perfectly; no boxy shoulders, phew. The shirts are all still crisp and bright white, just being opened out of their package. My new black shoes could walk me all around the world if needed. I love wearing the uniform. From the moment I leave my car in the parking lot to the moment I return, I feel so proud to wear the wings I earned over the past month. I walk with extra excitement in the click-clack of my heels, for I am a flight attendant. I never, in my wildest dreams, thought this would be my current life.
01 02 18
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Navy with an accent of red.
Uniforms. I am pro-uniform, I really am. In high school, I would have LOVED to be in uniform and not worry about what to wear each day or have the stigma that attaches with what you wear. Now, I have a uniform. And some parts I like, some parts I don't. I was told today, multiple times, that the uniform is a 'classic' look. Uniform standards are set because we are an image-conscious company. Our customers perceive us based on our looks. Truth.
What I don't like: blazers. I will get my uniform pieces tomorrow hopefully so I can't say I hate it. But get this little known fact: the shoulders are suppose to extend to your outermost arm muscle. Basically, this means you are a box. Take my lovely paint picture below, my actual arms are outlined but the blue is what I'll look like. Real cool, real cool.
![]() |
The red is suppose to be a scarf. No injuries to the neck peeps. |
Granted. I may grow to like it, or I may grow to only wear it when neccesary: boarding, landing, walking through the airport...so basically always. Hm. The blazer challenge begins.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
"Soaring Eagle"
Mesaba means "soaring eagle" in Ojibwe. Just one fun fact I now know about this regional airline. My story of the process goes something like this, alright it goes EXACTLY like this:
I love airports. I love to travel. But it never occurred to me that a Flight Attendant (FA) position was in reach. I love the part in Love Actually that takes place at the airport: happy faces, smiling people, tears of joy, and individuals from all over the world. I even applied for a job at a jewelry store that was at the airport in high school, but then realized I had no transportation there and couldn't commit to the hours, so I didn't get it obviously. But I have always been intrigued by the airport. Before 9/11 when you could simply walk into the airport without needing a boarding pass and barely even go through security, my dad and I would watch the planes leave from the windows at the terminals. I always thought, how in the world do these huge creatures (yes, creatures) fly.
Well. Now I'm a FA. What in the world. I am still in shock. My mom showed me the ad in the Sunday paper on October 2nd; the ad was promoting Information Sessions for Mesaba Airlines that upcoming Tuesday and Wednesday. I don't think she realized that single advertisement would lead to an actual career, but my family shouldn't be surprised with my ever-changing life. That Wednesday I took the afternoon off from work and attended the session at the Hilton Hotel in Bloomington. I thought this session would include steps to be able to apply, but to my surprise, it was a stepping stone to current open positions. I had filled out my application online the night before, brought my resume, wore my business casual best, and walked into the room not knowing what to expect.
Along with 22 others, I sat myself down and waited for information. A power point presentation lasted an hour and half full of flight attendant position details. Then, a written test, then an verbal test (yes I got to read a boarding announcement in front of everyone and share a customer service experience), and then the waiting game. The waiting game was in the hallway. Six individuals got called back in the room to be offered interviews. The list was put up on the door and then they shut the door. So this group of 22 individuals stormed to see if they made the cut (although we didn't know we were getting interviews, we were told Mesaba simply had questions to ask us) much like high schoolers seeing if they made varsity. I was on that list. A huge confidence boost went threw me, and as most applicants walked away, I stood tall in the hallway, waiting to be called in.
I was offered an interview the next day, which, I had to work, but I wasn't saying no to this opportunity. I took a sick day (because actually I was sick, and if they hired me with my nasal-y voice, apparently they must really want me) and went to the Eagan office. I got called on Friday but was working all day, and when I called back at 4:30 p.m that day, the office was already closed. So Monday, I got the phone call, offering me the position. And I accepted with a huge smile on my face.
I filled out paperwork on Tuesday morning with Mesaba, all while keeping it silent from the mall. I notified close friends to share my news. I was so shocked, so excited, yet nervous for the unknown. My last day at the mall was Saturday, October 22nd. I started classroom training on Monday, October 24th. And now, with only nine days left until I graduate with my wings, I can confidently say, I work for Mesaba Airlines as a Flight Attendant.
Classroom training has been intense. Exams just about every other day, equipment competency checks, a city codes quiz, and homework worksheets and readings each night. I know the insides and outsides of three different planes that Mesaba operates: the SFR340, CRJ200, and CRJ900. I am now CPR, First Aid, and AED certified, I have learned self-defense, security measures, customer service, safety, and much more to come in the next nine days. The feeling of being in the classroom setting is powerful. I am familiar with the classroom setting and very much enjoy it, however, having 52 other classmates gets on my nerves some days. Some of whom aren't very inclusive to each other, and to the diverse population that exists in the world. I have had to bite my tongue a time or two in conversations in class; my experiences gained throughout college has truly shaped who I am. Working as a RA and working with international students has opened my eyes to so much, and I only wish each and every person in the world could experience such a thing. I know this is a perfect fit job on paper, and the week of Thanksgiving, when I start flying, we will see if it's the perfect fit in action. Til then, it's early nights for me, studying flashcards and guides, and absorbing every word my instructors say.
Here's to being able to travel the world for my career, I can't wait to start. 01 02 18
I love airports. I love to travel. But it never occurred to me that a Flight Attendant (FA) position was in reach. I love the part in Love Actually that takes place at the airport: happy faces, smiling people, tears of joy, and individuals from all over the world. I even applied for a job at a jewelry store that was at the airport in high school, but then realized I had no transportation there and couldn't commit to the hours, so I didn't get it obviously. But I have always been intrigued by the airport. Before 9/11 when you could simply walk into the airport without needing a boarding pass and barely even go through security, my dad and I would watch the planes leave from the windows at the terminals. I always thought, how in the world do these huge creatures (yes, creatures) fly.
Well. Now I'm a FA. What in the world. I am still in shock. My mom showed me the ad in the Sunday paper on October 2nd; the ad was promoting Information Sessions for Mesaba Airlines that upcoming Tuesday and Wednesday. I don't think she realized that single advertisement would lead to an actual career, but my family shouldn't be surprised with my ever-changing life. That Wednesday I took the afternoon off from work and attended the session at the Hilton Hotel in Bloomington. I thought this session would include steps to be able to apply, but to my surprise, it was a stepping stone to current open positions. I had filled out my application online the night before, brought my resume, wore my business casual best, and walked into the room not knowing what to expect.
Along with 22 others, I sat myself down and waited for information. A power point presentation lasted an hour and half full of flight attendant position details. Then, a written test, then an verbal test (yes I got to read a boarding announcement in front of everyone and share a customer service experience), and then the waiting game. The waiting game was in the hallway. Six individuals got called back in the room to be offered interviews. The list was put up on the door and then they shut the door. So this group of 22 individuals stormed to see if they made the cut (although we didn't know we were getting interviews, we were told Mesaba simply had questions to ask us) much like high schoolers seeing if they made varsity. I was on that list. A huge confidence boost went threw me, and as most applicants walked away, I stood tall in the hallway, waiting to be called in.
I was offered an interview the next day, which, I had to work, but I wasn't saying no to this opportunity. I took a sick day (because actually I was sick, and if they hired me with my nasal-y voice, apparently they must really want me) and went to the Eagan office. I got called on Friday but was working all day, and when I called back at 4:30 p.m that day, the office was already closed. So Monday, I got the phone call, offering me the position. And I accepted with a huge smile on my face.
I filled out paperwork on Tuesday morning with Mesaba, all while keeping it silent from the mall. I notified close friends to share my news. I was so shocked, so excited, yet nervous for the unknown. My last day at the mall was Saturday, October 22nd. I started classroom training on Monday, October 24th. And now, with only nine days left until I graduate with my wings, I can confidently say, I work for Mesaba Airlines as a Flight Attendant.
Classroom training has been intense. Exams just about every other day, equipment competency checks, a city codes quiz, and homework worksheets and readings each night. I know the insides and outsides of three different planes that Mesaba operates: the SFR340, CRJ200, and CRJ900. I am now CPR, First Aid, and AED certified, I have learned self-defense, security measures, customer service, safety, and much more to come in the next nine days. The feeling of being in the classroom setting is powerful. I am familiar with the classroom setting and very much enjoy it, however, having 52 other classmates gets on my nerves some days. Some of whom aren't very inclusive to each other, and to the diverse population that exists in the world. I have had to bite my tongue a time or two in conversations in class; my experiences gained throughout college has truly shaped who I am. Working as a RA and working with international students has opened my eyes to so much, and I only wish each and every person in the world could experience such a thing. I know this is a perfect fit job on paper, and the week of Thanksgiving, when I start flying, we will see if it's the perfect fit in action. Til then, it's early nights for me, studying flashcards and guides, and absorbing every word my instructors say.
Here's to being able to travel the world for my career, I can't wait to start. 01 02 18
Goodbye Mall of America, Hello Mesaba Airlines.
Two weeks ago marked my last day at Mall of America as the Events Intern. It was definitely bittersweet. I have never quit a job before. Yes, I have held quite a few (alright many) jobs in my lifetime. But none that I have quit. Either it's been the end of the season, end of summer, or end of the school year. So my preparation of how to go about this was limited. I constantly asked myself the dreaded what-ifs. What if I was making a mistake. Where would have this internship led? I will never know. I tried as hard as possible to push those thoughts from my mind. Yet, constantly they recirculated.
I put in my two weeks notice on Friday, October 7th. I had known all week long that I had the job, I even accepted it without any hesitation, leading me to believe I was definitely making the right choice. But I did not know how to tell the mall. I enjoyed each and every day there. Each day was something different. Who can say they've met Anne Burrell, worn a Babar costume head, and seen the nooks and crannies of MOA, just to name a few neat perks of the internship. Well, I could say those things. And I miss them to this day. From standing in the middle of a full Rotunda, watching screaming fans cheer for Hilary Duff, to breaking down boxes in the Christmas storage room on the complete West side of the mall isolated in a huge concrete room. These are things I miss.
But I got great experience within the short month and a half time I was there. Learned SO much about event planning, the hard work that goes into events, and the long hours that it takes to get the job done. I learned that the cubicle life isn't for me. Maybe an office with a window and door, but not a cube. Hearing the person next to you cough, hearing every phone conversation, and having my eyes glued to a screen is not for me. Granted, I would totally do Event Planning in a non-profit setting if that opportunity ever arises. For the passion would exist in that position for a common cause versus a corporate routine planning to get the job done and move on to the next one. But that's a story for perhaps the very far off future.
For now. I've moved on to the next chapter in my book: Mesaba Airlines. And that's what the next post is dedicated to. For anyone reading, don't be afraid of change. There is some stat out there that young people will change careers/jobs/etc a certain number of times, a relatively high number, in their lifetime. Well, I'm a prime example of this. Do what you want, whether it be successful or not, you won't know until you try. 01 02 18
I put in my two weeks notice on Friday, October 7th. I had known all week long that I had the job, I even accepted it without any hesitation, leading me to believe I was definitely making the right choice. But I did not know how to tell the mall. I enjoyed each and every day there. Each day was something different. Who can say they've met Anne Burrell, worn a Babar costume head, and seen the nooks and crannies of MOA, just to name a few neat perks of the internship. Well, I could say those things. And I miss them to this day. From standing in the middle of a full Rotunda, watching screaming fans cheer for Hilary Duff, to breaking down boxes in the Christmas storage room on the complete West side of the mall isolated in a huge concrete room. These are things I miss.
But I got great experience within the short month and a half time I was there. Learned SO much about event planning, the hard work that goes into events, and the long hours that it takes to get the job done. I learned that the cubicle life isn't for me. Maybe an office with a window and door, but not a cube. Hearing the person next to you cough, hearing every phone conversation, and having my eyes glued to a screen is not for me. Granted, I would totally do Event Planning in a non-profit setting if that opportunity ever arises. For the passion would exist in that position for a common cause versus a corporate routine planning to get the job done and move on to the next one. But that's a story for perhaps the very far off future.
For now. I've moved on to the next chapter in my book: Mesaba Airlines. And that's what the next post is dedicated to. For anyone reading, don't be afraid of change. There is some stat out there that young people will change careers/jobs/etc a certain number of times, a relatively high number, in their lifetime. Well, I'm a prime example of this. Do what you want, whether it be successful or not, you won't know until you try. 01 02 18
Saturday, October 15, 2011
The past month has been crazy. I have worked 38 days straight. Minus a sick day. And leaving early a couple times. Today is my first Saturday not working in a very long time. And I enjoyed the day, I really did. Would I have rather laid in bed all day watching movies and being super lazy, not bothering to get out of my pajamas. Perhaps. But did I need the time to hang out with friends and enjoy one of the best days of Fall? Yes. So with that, this Saturday didn't slow down, in fact, I'm tired already, and it's 10:00 p.m. Call me a workaholic, but I need to stay busy. I currently work at Mall of America for another seven days, and I still work at Charming Charlie for what seems like infinity, so with that. Here goes the past month, through photos, because writing about every single event that has gone on would be far too overwhelming.
Barbie Princess Charm School. A 20 minute presentation that little girls can sit through to learn how to curtsy, sip tea, and use manners. Oh, and everyone gets a barbie hair crown too.
Wristband counting. Yep. I'm the one who chooses the colors. Oh, the power.
Scrapfest 2011. A ridiculous-ly busy event, but one I wish I participated in!
The Cast of Victorious. I just happen to catch five minutes of the show the night before and at least had some idea of who these kids were.
Chris Kluwe at Sky Deck's for a ticket giveaway. Probably one of the highlights honestly. Since this event was a "secret" until the day of.
The Christmas Room. Yep, those are glitter trumpets just laying around.
This internship has been so great. The people are amazing, very fun to work with, and there is somewhat of a laid back atmosphere, even considering the high number of events that go on. I'm going to miss it. I honestly think "What if" and try to stop myself. But what if I did complete this internship through December; where would my future lead? I will never know. It's been a very bittersweet feeling knowing I am leaving. I've never quit a job before, and to put in my official two weeks notice was a bit nerve-wracking. I can only be thankful for the time I have spent with Mall of America and the Events Department, for they have opened my eyes to another side of event planning that exists. Thank you, Mall of America, may the next seven days be great ones. 01 02 18
Barbie Princess Charm School. A 20 minute presentation that little girls can sit through to learn how to curtsy, sip tea, and use manners. Oh, and everyone gets a barbie hair crown too.
Wristband counting. Yep. I'm the one who chooses the colors. Oh, the power.
Scrapfest 2011. A ridiculous-ly busy event, but one I wish I participated in!
The super SWEET set-up an un-used "ballroom" space at MOA had for a VIP party for the cast of Victorious and the teeny-bopper guests.
The Cast of Victorious. I just happen to catch five minutes of the show the night before and at least had some idea of who these kids were.
Chris Kluwe at Sky Deck's for a ticket giveaway. Probably one of the highlights honestly. Since this event was a "secret" until the day of.
The Christmas Room. Yep, those are glitter trumpets just laying around.
Kendra Wilkenson book signing. She is a super sweet person. Celebrities are ordinary people. Crazy.
Gumby display for Canstruction. Yep, those are food cans to then be donated to Second Harvest.
The crowd for Marlee Matlin. A very motivational woman for not only the deaf community, but everyone I feel.
Alright. This was definitely THE highlight of my internship probably. Yep, that's Babar. Well his head at least.
This internship has been so great. The people are amazing, very fun to work with, and there is somewhat of a laid back atmosphere, even considering the high number of events that go on. I'm going to miss it. I honestly think "What if" and try to stop myself. But what if I did complete this internship through December; where would my future lead? I will never know. It's been a very bittersweet feeling knowing I am leaving. I've never quit a job before, and to put in my official two weeks notice was a bit nerve-wracking. I can only be thankful for the time I have spent with Mall of America and the Events Department, for they have opened my eyes to another side of event planning that exists. Thank you, Mall of America, may the next seven days be great ones. 01 02 18
One month later.
Time flies. Yep. You heard me. Time really does fly. I always thought this was an expression adults told kids just to make kids enjoy the present time. But they were right. Time really does fly. It's been over a month since my last blog. That is ridiculous. I honestly though, have not had time to write. And if I do have time, I have chosen not to be on my computer. Where has the time gone? I never though it went this fast at school. Maybe that was because I wanted time to fly, now I would rather reverse the clock or at least slow it down. And here I am with a new job (yes, add it to my ever growing list of jobs) and a new life in front of me. Are you ready to hear about my last month? I don't even know if I am. Uffda. I will post shortly about my crazy life. That is, if I have time. Because I really should be sleeping right now.
Friday, September 9, 2011
Day Four.
I won't have time to do these day by day posts EVERY day. But I have the night off. And want to share (and remember!) my first days with the Company. So here goes, Day Four.
The meaning of "It's Friday" doesn't quite exist when you work weekends. When I woke up today, I thought I'm glad it's Friday so I can catch up on sleep and clean this weekend, but alas!, I work. Tomorrow at the Mall for the Pride of Vietnam event and Sunday night for a CC Social and spiffing up the store before the Regional Manager comes Monday morning. So much for catching up on sleep, errands, and cleaning. I'll be glad just to get my clothes washed, folded, and vacuum the basement (where I live. In case you forgot.)
So, onward to Friday. Today was a relaxing day. I was able to have TWO glasses of hot apple cider (yes, the non-real kind in the instant packets, but nonetheless) from the endless supply of hot water at work. Which, is why I will bring my own tea box & bottle of honey. Yep, I haven't changed :)
I went on the Mall Walk today, as I will do each Friday, to check for extra event signage around the Mall. And delivered the show times to each Guest Service desk.
Then, this was an exciting part. Seeing the MASSIVE, and I mean MASSIVE, amount of lost items the Mall has accumulated over the past 2-3 months. There is a whole room dedicated to lost items. Clear garbage bags full of brand new things (that people buy, set down, and forget about), leftover clothing left on benches, on rides, etc. And strollers by the handful - how do you forget a stroller? The real kicker. Someones luggage. Full. Not just their luggage, but their clothing and everything. How the heck do you lose that?
Well anyway. All of these very nice things were donated today to Cornerstone, who will be able to sort through everything and give out everything they can. I loved this part of the day. It was such a great feeling. I'm sure I'll do it in another 2-3 months. Amazing.
On to Scrapfest. This event will go down in one week. Today, I made the badges for the vendors whom will be there. Monday, I will laminate them, and they will be sorted and ready to go for Thursday.
A couple signs made for Toddler Tuesdays, a few slides prepared for the big screen, and Friday came and went.
Each day is something new, and that's what I love.
Day Three.
Thursday, Thursday.
Who would think I would have to hand deliver fliers to the retails stores to let them know about a meeting date change. Yep, that flier delivery girl was me. I did all of second floor. Took me an hour and half. I bet over 2/3rds of those retail stores I haven't been in ever. And now I have. What made me laugh? The manager at the Marble Store (geeky electronics, etc. I can't remember the exact title) was EXCITED to learn about the meeting. He can't wait to attend. Love it.
Nothing like exercise at the mall.
Then it was lunch time.
Then I learned about one of THE best positions the Mall has. Working with the community. Taking care of donation requests, doing philanthropic work, and planning the walks/runs that take place for a cause at the Mall. This woman does it all and gives back SO much. Which makes me proud to work for MOA. (There will be a blurb about this community position again for Day Four - fyi) I was asked to go to four stores in the mall to pick up items for gift baskets for prizes for The Purple Event, coming up next Sunday. I visited Microsoft, Cantina, BWW, and Cadillac Ranch. Yep, I collected $800 worth of items.
And I also got to create three gift bags that are being donated. I got to buy the items from the Mall store and then assemble them. LOVED IT. In the future, there will be huge gift baskets to do - can't wait! The bags I assembled were all valued around $100. Quite a bit to stuff in these little bags!
I learned more about the Toddler Tuesday program - I'm the one in charge of them from here on out. Which, sounds more important than it actually is. Everything is basically planned, they just have to be executed and paperwork filed. And then I get to attend the event and be the go to person. Which, I love kids, so why not go anyway?
Yep. Love my job. And this is only Day Three.
Day Two.
Day Two. Event Two.
The Hartford Paralympic Event was held on Wednesday. The Rotunda was transformed into a basketball court and sitting volleyball court for the Olympians. From 8am to 2pm the event continued. I wasn't present the whole time, but walked back and forth from downstairs to upstairs - I know my way around the maze of the back hallways pretty well already.
I met the Captain of the Paralympic Sitting Volleyball team, Brent Rasmussen. Who is a really nice guy and so down to Earth. Read more about him and you will soon realize he is such an inspiration to so many.

He will be competing in the Paralympics in 2012 in London. Super cool.
It was a nice start to the day, seeing the event, and meeting new people. Then I sat in on the PR/Events meeting, the Events meeting over lunch, followed by the Operations/Events meeting. I was introduced as the intern, although I can't tell you who anyone was.
All the meetings were followed up by going over important paperwork that go with all the events (which there is a TON of paperwork). And each event gets sent to about 30 individuals, so e-mails are plentiful at MOA.
Then, I learned what to do with the show times for the movies, since I get them on Thursday and I put them into a PhotoShop document and distribute them to Guest Services in the Mall Walk that happens on Friday - where we (yes, there is another intern with me) walk the mall (yes, every floor) looking for leftover or out of place events stuff/signage. Quite exciting, I know.
Day One.
I've always liked the Mall of America. Especially after I worked there all last summer. And now, I get to call it home again. With an even better gig than I could imagine. I'm the Operations Assistant aka Intern. And I love it. Here's Day One.
Day One
Jumped right into Toddler Tuesday. From 9am to Noon. Got Ice Cream from the freezer and wheeled it to the Rotunda. Set up kid tables with table coverings, crayons, and coloring sheets. Was a judge for the theme of this week - "The World's Largest Show & Tell" - and got to select seven kids to win based on their show and tell item. WHICH was hard. Thank goodness everyone got a prize, some just got a bigger one. Because one kid did CRY. His brother won but not him. What was I to do? The parents asked if they could buy the 'big prize' (which was a little Diego backpack filled with toys) for their other son, and of course, they could. But really, why not just tell them to share it? Oh well. So yes, I made a kid cry. But life goes on. I also watched my first episode of Backyardigans. And know have the song stuck in my head.

Yep, the episode "International Super Spy" is now stuck in my head.
Had lunch. For an hour. That was paid. First time in my life. I enjoyed getting paid to eat.
Got details from the other Coordinator's of what they do and what events are going on.
Had a tour of the Theatre and learned details about their position.
Took my badge picture, signed paperwork, and got all registered with HR.
Went to Orientation from 5 to 7:30pm. Learned all about MOA again, Phase II for the mall expansion, and the perks of the job.
THEN I went to Charming Charlie. Which was too much. Because it was markdown night. So from 8pm to 2am I was ticketing sale jewelry. Went to bed at 4am that night, then back to work at 8am. Ridiculous, I'm still tired. BUT I survived.
And that was Day One.
Easier said then done.
Alright. I tried to be artsy with my nails last week. Didn't really happen. All started out well, but all was a mess when it was over. Thanks, Pinterest for making these swirl nails seem so simple. Lesson learned.
Supplies all ready. And the perfect colors to match my outfit.
Just in case, I had remover on hand. I needed a TON.
The theory: get a cup of water, pour your nail polish in it and it floats than dip your nail. Easy, right?
Super pretty... before I dipped my nail.
Even the swirl was pretty.
This is the final product. It's like I dipped my nails in triple thick paint.
There was one decent nail. So I was 1/10th happy.
I'd try this again, but not sure when. And I need to somehow revamp the recipe. Perhaps better luck next time!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Happy Birthday to Me.
My life now includes an iPhone. A new phone was not in my near future as of two weeks ago. But recently, my phone has been on the fritz. Not charging, erasing messages, and randomly turning off. With the phone out of warranty, and our plan available for an upgrade, I decided now is the time. Accepting the MOA job solidified my decision. I just bought my phone last night, found the perfect case for it today, and now will go in style and with technology to my new job. A place where phone calls will probably run high as well as google brainstorming. And of course, I will be able to photo document my new life at the Mall and stay updated with Twitter and FB. Love it.
This is my new baby.
This is the case but flip out the colors (my phone is white, the wave is black)
Drumroll, please. I ACCEPTED A NEW JOB.
I am headed back to the fast-paced society called the Mall of America. I accepted the Event Planning Internship position just yesterday. I had my interview Thursday with one person from HR and one person from the Event Planning department, then was called back on Friday to come in on Monday for a group interview with the Event Planning team. The interview went FANTASTIC. Considering there were seven people asking questions and writing down my answers, the atmosphere was so relaxed, fun, and casual. We laughed within the board room and for only lasting 20 minutes, I felt like I am already part of their team.
My official title is the Event Planning Operations Assistant. They don't really refer to me as the intern, title wise. Which is nice. The position will entail A LOT of work, all of which I am super excited for. With the Mall putting on more than 400 events a year (yep, that's more than one per day) there is PLENTY work to do. The position runs until December 31st, with the possibility of extending that date. And of course, with a possibility of a permanent position *IF* there is an opening available.
I start on Tuesday, yes, only 6 days away. I could not be more excited. I will be keeping my CC job and thank goodness, they have been so cooperative and flexible with only a weeks notice. I will be able to let them know each Monday what days I am available the following week to work. Seeing as we only have 12 Charmers currently (this summer at peak we had FOURTY Charmers, yes four zero) I will still be able to get hours if I want them. But with a guarantee of 40 + hours at MOA, for more pay as well, I know where I will be spending (if not sleeping) most of my time.
Check out the MOA website if you have not. There's an events calender, my personal fav.
For the next four months I will have my hands full, all with a business casual flair.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Let the creativity begin.
Alright. Here's the deal. I have a group interview (the final step!) for MOA. Exciting? VERY. I got the call early Friday morning (and by early, I mean 7:45AM - luckily I was up for work anyway) that they would like me to come back this Monday at 4pm. And with that the HR Manager sent me an e-mail that contains the Internship Test to bring back on Monday.
The test consists of creating three events for the Mall that are all coming up this Fall, they provide what the attraction is and I must explain and create how guests are going to be excited to attend the event. I must provide an outline, the sponsors, a budget, promotion, and cover the general aspects of the event. Thank goodness I have all day tomorrow to work on this. These events need to be brilliant.
I found this perfect black dress at Target when I went shopping (for other things of course). All the clothes were on the clearance racks, I couldn't resist. And I'm going to need 'big girl' clothing, because I'm going to get this 'big girl' job. Right? Right.
So anyway, this dress. I'm going to wear it on Monday. Part of me says it is not professional enough (versus the classic black or grey pants) but I need to show them who I am. And I'm going to wear my classic braided pigtails look. Which I also don't think is the most professional, but it's me, and I want to show them that. Now I need to figure out what shoes to wear. I'd like to wear boots, but I don't have any to go with it... perhaps you know what that means...and I will have to decide if a scarf is the right look or jewelry - out of the many, MANY, pieces I know own. Thanks, Charming Charlie.
Oh, and I did not get the Corporate job. I had a phone call set up with the HR Recruiter from CC this past Thursday. She informed me that they were very impressed, but choose someone with more experience. Oh well. I don't do well in the heat anyway. I love Fall and Winter too much, so perhaps it all worked out for the best anyway. She did inform me there are possibly two jobs in the future I would be able to apply for, so Texas is still a slim possibility, I just won't hold my breathe, at all. And that is that.
Stay tuned for MOA updates. I sure hope I will have one, if not some. 01 02 18
The test consists of creating three events for the Mall that are all coming up this Fall, they provide what the attraction is and I must explain and create how guests are going to be excited to attend the event. I must provide an outline, the sponsors, a budget, promotion, and cover the general aspects of the event. Thank goodness I have all day tomorrow to work on this. These events need to be brilliant.
I found this perfect black dress at Target when I went shopping (for other things of course). All the clothes were on the clearance racks, I couldn't resist. And I'm going to need 'big girl' clothing, because I'm going to get this 'big girl' job. Right? Right.
So anyway, this dress. I'm going to wear it on Monday. Part of me says it is not professional enough (versus the classic black or grey pants) but I need to show them who I am. And I'm going to wear my classic braided pigtails look. Which I also don't think is the most professional, but it's me, and I want to show them that. Now I need to figure out what shoes to wear. I'd like to wear boots, but I don't have any to go with it... perhaps you know what that means...and I will have to decide if a scarf is the right look or jewelry - out of the many, MANY, pieces I know own. Thanks, Charming Charlie.
Oh, and I did not get the Corporate job. I had a phone call set up with the HR Recruiter from CC this past Thursday. She informed me that they were very impressed, but choose someone with more experience. Oh well. I don't do well in the heat anyway. I love Fall and Winter too much, so perhaps it all worked out for the best anyway. She did inform me there are possibly two jobs in the future I would be able to apply for, so Texas is still a slim possibility, I just won't hold my breathe, at all. And that is that.
Stay tuned for MOA updates. I sure hope I will have one, if not some. 01 02 18
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Another week bites the dust.
A week has gone by and not much difference. The days are somewhat running together. I'm not opposed to this, as now my summer basically never ends since school isn't started for the very first time in my life. I'm slowly grasping the concept that I can do *fun* things forever and ever each day, without worry of having to do homework. I can go, go, go doing everything and anything I want, without having to get up for class or have the responsibilities of the roles I had at school. Yes, I have a job, yes the hours will increase eventually. But it's an odd freedom I haven't felt before. And I like it.
Don't get me wrong, seeing literally update after update about going back to RF from friends is sad, but I can always go back, and have been. Yes, I miss buying school supplies, but who says I can't still buy them? Or new school clothes? How bout new Fall clothing? And buying textbooks for school (which I never did anyway) - I now buy new fun reads to add to my library collection. Yep, this life is pretty sweet too. I had it made at school, but this new life has it made too.
That turned out to be more of a rant than I intended to. The point of the post was for updates, but then it would have been quite short. The only ones I've got are these:
1) I've been playing phone tag with the HR Manager at MOA for two days now. I've got my phone attached to my hip today waiting for her to call back. After this afternoon hopefully I'll know more deets about the Event Planning Intern position.
2) I have a phone conversation set up with the HR Recruiter from CC for tomorrow at 2:30pm. We shall see what she says. Because I have no idea what were are going to talk about, well I have some idea, but sometimes you just never know.
And that tis all for now. 01 02 18
Don't get me wrong, seeing literally update after update about going back to RF from friends is sad, but I can always go back, and have been. Yes, I miss buying school supplies, but who says I can't still buy them? Or new school clothes? How bout new Fall clothing? And buying textbooks for school (which I never did anyway) - I now buy new fun reads to add to my library collection. Yep, this life is pretty sweet too. I had it made at school, but this new life has it made too.
That turned out to be more of a rant than I intended to. The point of the post was for updates, but then it would have been quite short. The only ones I've got are these:
1) I've been playing phone tag with the HR Manager at MOA for two days now. I've got my phone attached to my hip today waiting for her to call back. After this afternoon hopefully I'll know more deets about the Event Planning Intern position.
2) I have a phone conversation set up with the HR Recruiter from CC for tomorrow at 2:30pm. We shall see what she says. Because I have no idea what were are going to talk about, well I have some idea, but sometimes you just never know.
And that tis all for now. 01 02 18
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
The untitled post.
1) Border's is closing. Not cool. But with their sale, I found this book. Ecotourists Save the World by Pamela Brodowsky. I've already read all 317 pages of volunteer opportunities. I only glanced over the ones that have a cost associated with them (as I do not have money to spare in my life right now) but I have post-it notes on all the other pages that I'm interested in. I am so drawn to animals. Why I didn't at least minor in Biology at school, I don't know. Because that was my FAVORITE class in high school, the only AP test I actually passed, and I couldn't get enough. And I have the most books on science-y stuff. Yep. Well, now it turns into a passion. So hey, at least I'm not giving up on the subject.
2) My best friend got back from summer travels with YouthWorks and gave me this book. 50 Ways to Save the Ocean by David Helvarg. I've paged through it. And tonight plan on tackling it one way at a time. I love the Ocean and everything associated with it. It's a sign.
3) The part-time ASM position at work has been filled. So management is out of the question, at least for quite some time... I was frustrated and disappointed to hear this at work the other day, but it was finally a decisive moment, which I appreciate these days.
4) I hope to have an interview with MOA for the Event Planning internship by the end of next week, the HR Recruiter is out of town til this Monday, so I'll hear from her than.
5) The HR Recruiter from CC called me yesterday while I was at work, I called back today but had to leave a message, and haven't heard since. Perhaps tomorrow. But once again, I work. So more than likely I'll miss the call. We always play phone tag. So gosh darn frustrating.
6) I am loving the fact that decisions are slowly coming in. Because that narrows down my options and lets me move on to the next chapter in my life. Stay tuned. 01 02 18
2) My best friend got back from summer travels with YouthWorks and gave me this book. 50 Ways to Save the Ocean by David Helvarg. I've paged through it. And tonight plan on tackling it one way at a time. I love the Ocean and everything associated with it. It's a sign.
3) The part-time ASM position at work has been filled. So management is out of the question, at least for quite some time... I was frustrated and disappointed to hear this at work the other day, but it was finally a decisive moment, which I appreciate these days.
4) I hope to have an interview with MOA for the Event Planning internship by the end of next week, the HR Recruiter is out of town til this Monday, so I'll hear from her than.
5) The HR Recruiter from CC called me yesterday while I was at work, I called back today but had to leave a message, and haven't heard since. Perhaps tomorrow. But once again, I work. So more than likely I'll miss the call. We always play phone tag. So gosh darn frustrating.
6) I am loving the fact that decisions are slowly coming in. Because that narrows down my options and lets me move on to the next chapter in my life. Stay tuned. 01 02 18
Sunday, August 14, 2011
A teeny tiny update.
Received an e-mail from the HR Recruiter, it's still another couple weeks til the final candidates are selected. Yes, the final candidates (plural) - meaning there is still one more step to be completed, whether that be an in-person interview, or just them discussing everyone again. Not really sure. I'll wait a couple (ish) weeks to find out.
In the mean time, my ASM at work e-mailed our district manager and reiterated the fact that I applied for a Corporate job, have a degree, and I'd be a great candidate and am basically interested in any position. My ASM said she responded quickly and was excited that I was interested (I've only met her once, and don't think she remembers me...) and we shall see where that goes.
I also got over-time last week. Meaning I got time and a half for some hours, which I like. My GSM may not like that I got over-time but when I got called every single day (yes, every day) to either come in early or stay late, they can't argue with my hours. So, hopefully they see how dedicated I am to the company and that I do enjoy my job. Because I don't think I want to leave CC, if I did, it'd only be temporary, it's too much fun working with them. Seriously, who can say they love there job? I can.
01 02 18
In the mean time, my ASM at work e-mailed our district manager and reiterated the fact that I applied for a Corporate job, have a degree, and I'd be a great candidate and am basically interested in any position. My ASM said she responded quickly and was excited that I was interested (I've only met her once, and don't think she remembers me...) and we shall see where that goes.
I also got over-time last week. Meaning I got time and a half for some hours, which I like. My GSM may not like that I got over-time but when I got called every single day (yes, every day) to either come in early or stay late, they can't argue with my hours. So, hopefully they see how dedicated I am to the company and that I do enjoy my job. Because I don't think I want to leave CC, if I did, it'd only be temporary, it's too much fun working with them. Seriously, who can say they love there job? I can.
01 02 18
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Today at work a friend visited me from school. I love when I have visitors, especially random, it's such a nice surprise! And she had a friend with her who also just graduated. I got asked the dreaded question of what is your plan? Is it really necessary to have a plan. I mean, things just kind of happen as they come, right? I am a planner. Yes, but I don't have a life plan. I have a planner for like next week and next month's events, not 10 years from now, let alone 3 months from now these days. So, anyway, I said I applied for a Corporate job with CC and that would be down in TX (which I have not heard back from them yet, however, the HR Recruiter is gone through this Thursday I found out, so maybe Friday?), and she replied with "I love Texas." Great. So that got me thinking again. And a co-worker said they really like Texas, and the economy is doing great right now - which I can't confirm or deny, but she was more excited for Texas than Minnesota. And the third sign (as things come in threes typically) a Texas shirt in the Forever21 window at Rosedale. I know, nothing solid, but these little things are what I notice. Because it really is the little things that matter.
That's about it. My application for the Ranch is in the envelope ready to go, stamp and everything. But for some reason I haven't mailed it yet. Hm.
Yep, hm. That's all. 01 02 18
That's about it. My application for the Ranch is in the envelope ready to go, stamp and everything. But for some reason I haven't mailed it yet. Hm.
Yep, hm. That's all. 01 02 18
Friday, August 5, 2011
No, I'm not a manager.
I got asked tonight by a fellow Charmer, whom I have been working with since she started maybe three weeks ago or so if I was a manager. No? I am not. She did recall the conversation we had about me applying for Corporate, so maybe she assumed I had to be an ASM to do so. Well, whatever her conclusive reasons were for thinking I was, I wish I could have been able to say yes. I'm def the fav at work, which has its benefits, but when I'm paired up with the ASM and GSM for markdowns, and we are THE team? A bit too obvious. And when I can shop around at the clearance jewelry that night but others get told to get back to work? Hmm. At least the hierarchy is in my favor? I'm definitely glad I fit in with this 'family' of charming people, but now the question will be asked soon, can I be promoted to ASM, please?
I have until December (in my mind right now) - Because at that point I would like to go to Montana for the winter months and see what's there. The whole 5 month commitment is SO appealing, I'd be gone only from December through April. Still get to go to Cancun in a couple months AND the UK in Spring. It'd be perf.
But what to do until the end of November? 4 months away. Be a manager? And then come back and see if I'd be able to re-accept my spot. Hm. Sure, let's try this. 01 02 18
I have until December (in my mind right now) - Because at that point I would like to go to Montana for the winter months and see what's there. The whole 5 month commitment is SO appealing, I'd be gone only from December through April. Still get to go to Cancun in a couple months AND the UK in Spring. It'd be perf.
But what to do until the end of November? 4 months away. Be a manager? And then come back and see if I'd be able to re-accept my spot. Hm. Sure, let's try this. 01 02 18
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Each day is different in my mind.
One day I think this, the next I think that. I swear my brain has no off setting. Meh. Would I change that? Nope. Not a bit.
Alright, so tonight (yes there has been a lot of posts, but totally needed) I accomplished the following list:
1. E-mailed Olympic National Park telling them of my interest in a position.
2. E-mailed Lone Mountain Ranch (IN MONTANA) for winter seasonal employment. I'm actually oddly excited about this. Don't ask, just let me be and don't tell me that I don't know what I'm doing. Because I do know what I want. And no one knows how my mind work 'cept me. Alright, so yes, that did just happen.
3. E-mailed my cover letter and resume to Shedd Aquarium for the MarComm Assistant position.
So, that's all. Which is actually a lot. Let's see what the week brings, hearing from places perhaps - having something lined up soon. It's happening. What is 'it'? Who knows. 01 02 18
Alright, so tonight (yes there has been a lot of posts, but totally needed) I accomplished the following list:
1. E-mailed Olympic National Park telling them of my interest in a position.
2. E-mailed Lone Mountain Ranch (IN MONTANA) for winter seasonal employment. I'm actually oddly excited about this. Don't ask, just let me be and don't tell me that I don't know what I'm doing. Because I do know what I want. And no one knows how my mind work 'cept me. Alright, so yes, that did just happen.
3. E-mailed my cover letter and resume to Shedd Aquarium for the MarComm Assistant position.
So, that's all. Which is actually a lot. Let's see what the week brings, hearing from places perhaps - having something lined up soon. It's happening. What is 'it'? Who knows. 01 02 18
My obsession.
Beluga Whales. Why? Their constant grin, their creamy white skin, their gentleness, their ballet moves in the water. Everything. I'm baffled by these creatures. I don't understand them and that's such an attraction. And what did I just learn:
Connecticut has one of the top Beluga exhibits in the country and is a leader for the U.S. with the amount of beluga information they have. And what else do they offer? A Beluga Encounter.
Yep. Add it to the list. I might have to go here soon. 01 02 18
Connecticut has one of the top Beluga exhibits in the country and is a leader for the U.S. with the amount of beluga information they have. And what else do they offer? A Beluga Encounter.
Yep. Add it to the list. I might have to go here soon. 01 02 18
New Idea, New Places.
I'm back in my state of mind that I've had all year long at school until April-ish. I don't want to 'settle' down somewhere, that's not me right now. I want to travel, and move around, and try new things, and see what the world looks like. So here's the deal. I've been applying to many things under the sun right now. Here's the start of my list.
1. The two AmeriCorps positions
2. Working at Olympic National Park in Washington
3. Marketing Communications Assistant at Shedd Aquarium, Chicago
Alright, so I guess it's not THAT many places so far. But here is what else I want to do in life, both now and later.
1. Work for a cruise line, preferably in Alaska. Checked out the Coolworks website, there are plenty of them out there!
2. Head back to Utah for the canyons, whether to work at Red Mountain Spa Resort or to just go on vacation there for the annual Jeep tour.
3. Visit Georgia. Not only pick peaches, but visit Phi Mu Headquarters, and see the WORLD'S LARGEST AQUARIUM in Atlanta.
4. Tour Michigan University and learn more about the Masters International Program
5. Look up and visit all six of the aquariums in the country that have beluga whales.
6. Look up all possible marine life programs for school. Yep, I said it. I just am in love too much with animals, specifically the gentle giants of the oceans.
Well that sorta turned into a bucket list. But hey, I've got to keep track of what I want to do in life. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon, I've got to up and move places, see things, and experience life, for now is the time to do that.
Monday, August 1, 2011
I think I've got things figured out.
After much thinking this weekend, and a great chat with one of the ASMs at markdowns last night. I think I've got the next chapter in my life figured out.
If I get offered the job in Texas, I am going to decline. That may be a shock to some, as this would be a fantastic opportunity, however, this decision totally makes sense. And I'm doing something for myself. Which sometimes I do overlook. One of the factors that contribute to this is money, as being a manager would earn me more than going down to Texas and starting from scratch. And I enjoy the store setting a lot. I'm not a cubicle girl, at all. I have learned this.
So here is the plan.
Step One. Wait to hear from Corporate. Tell them I will think about the position overnight if I am given an offer, but graciously decline. Then have a discussion with my GSM at work about possible management positions in the near future (and adding in that I have applied for AmeriCorps, for two reasons - 1) so she knows the truth that I might up and move without a ton of notice and 2) to put pressure on her that I might up and move.)
Step Two. Be persistent with the two AmeriCorps positions I'm interested in. The first position is working as an Independent Living Skills mentor with the foster home, Youthnet, north of Seattle. I would assist with the transition of young adults being on their own, since at age 18 they no longer receive assistance. So introducing budgets, finding work, being independent, applying to schools, all that jazz is encompassed with the position. The second position is as a Program Assistant for the Girls Rock YMCA camp, out of the YMCA Seattle with the camp taking place on the San Juan Islands in July 2012. I would help recruit girls around the greater area of Seattle for this 10 week camp, promoting why they should apply and help with the planning and preparation that goes into the camp and then I serve as a Camp Counselor at the camp. The camp is centered around rock climbing and building self-confidence for these girls, who are middle schoolers through high schoolers. Both positions sound like a great fit for me and I would love going to work to help others. The positions have a September 1st start date, which is only one month away. So who knows, things could happen quite quickly. And both end by August 2012. To which I would come back home to Minnesota and take the next step in my life, whether that be back with CC, applying for another AmeriCorps position, or finding one of the government jobs that you can gain access to with AmeriCorps experience.
Step Three. There really aren't any more steps. I have given both my options above. Another advantage to the management route if I don't get the AmeriCorps positions, is that there is talk of a new store opening in about 6-8 months at Arbor Lakes in Maple Grove. To which, more than likely I would be an ASM. Which is also exciting. They will have the 2012 store set-up which is completely different from the stores now. Oh boy, retail is drawing me in...
Step Four. (I know there was no step three, but now I'm making a list). If I am here in Minnesota, I will have a couple trips in my future:
1) Cancun, Mexico late this Fall
2) The UK in June 2012
2) The UK in June 2012
So, I mean, I love traveling, and this is exciting. If I'm away, chances are I won't be able to get off work to take these trips. Not impossible, but a bit more limited.
So, this is where I am at. And I'm okay with that.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Well, here goes this thought.
Yesterday was a day of pondering. Pondering what if I don't get the job, then what do I do. Pondering what if I do get the job, but, either a) don't like it or b) can't bring myself to leave. The thoughts that processed in my head were all to much and I felt like I was lost, even though I'm on the right path.
My manager at CC is wonderful. A down to earth young lady who has endless enthusiasm and optimism. However, her mindset for me is only Corporate. Which is not a bad direction by any means, but I am left wondering, what if I do something else. What if we talk about Management again. What if I could see what New Store Openings (NSOs) are like, what if I could possibly relocate to a store in Minnesota when they open up new stores. Much of this has to do with the move, I want to leave and live somewhere else, but is Texas the right place to do that? I like the idea of moving to someplace I have already been to, or at least visited once, to have a better sense of the territory. Although, I'm not opposed to going without knowing, for there is some fun in that thought. But Texas. I've been there once, had a great time. But could I live there?
And then the thought of AmeriCorps popped back into my head. I hesitated applying since Corporate was in my mind since the beginning of summer. But I've always had this inkling to be an AmeriCorps worker. And I found two job opportunities in WA that are right up my alley. So, what did I do last night? Applied to them. And sent follow-up e-mails to their contact person. Although I won't hear until Monday at the earliest from them, I still really want to go out there and the jobs sound perfect and so rewarding. And since I have a few more days until I hear from CC (my assessment takes a few days to process, so Monday would be THE earliest), I figure I need to have some options.
The tricky part? AmeriCorps applications aren't due officially until August 15th, and Corporate will definitely need an answer before than if I am offered the position. Which, I haven't been offered the position yet, so I shouldn't get THAT far ahead of myself. But, I tend to always get ahead of myself, for this posts' sake, I'll assume I will get an offer...
I'm headed to River Falls tonight after work. Yes, I felt the need to write this blog at 7:30 in the morning, since I've been thinking about this nonstop. And I can't wait to process things out with a great friend of mine. Never did I think life could be so confusing and full of processing. But, I'm ready to think things through.
Now, let's see where today leads me. 01 02 18
My manager at CC is wonderful. A down to earth young lady who has endless enthusiasm and optimism. However, her mindset for me is only Corporate. Which is not a bad direction by any means, but I am left wondering, what if I do something else. What if we talk about Management again. What if I could see what New Store Openings (NSOs) are like, what if I could possibly relocate to a store in Minnesota when they open up new stores. Much of this has to do with the move, I want to leave and live somewhere else, but is Texas the right place to do that? I like the idea of moving to someplace I have already been to, or at least visited once, to have a better sense of the territory. Although, I'm not opposed to going without knowing, for there is some fun in that thought. But Texas. I've been there once, had a great time. But could I live there?
And then the thought of AmeriCorps popped back into my head. I hesitated applying since Corporate was in my mind since the beginning of summer. But I've always had this inkling to be an AmeriCorps worker. And I found two job opportunities in WA that are right up my alley. So, what did I do last night? Applied to them. And sent follow-up e-mails to their contact person. Although I won't hear until Monday at the earliest from them, I still really want to go out there and the jobs sound perfect and so rewarding. And since I have a few more days until I hear from CC (my assessment takes a few days to process, so Monday would be THE earliest), I figure I need to have some options.
The tricky part? AmeriCorps applications aren't due officially until August 15th, and Corporate will definitely need an answer before than if I am offered the position. Which, I haven't been offered the position yet, so I shouldn't get THAT far ahead of myself. But, I tend to always get ahead of myself, for this posts' sake, I'll assume I will get an offer...
I'm headed to River Falls tonight after work. Yes, I felt the need to write this blog at 7:30 in the morning, since I've been thinking about this nonstop. And I can't wait to process things out with a great friend of mine. Never did I think life could be so confusing and full of processing. But, I'm ready to think things through.
Now, let's see where today leads me. 01 02 18
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Skype Interview: Check.
After setting the scene last night for my Skype interview today, I was ready to go with a CC bag as a prop, my new Monet poster hung above the fireplace, and I was dressed in CC accessories. Well, technical difficulties got the best of both of us, the web cams wouldn't work for the first five attempted calls. Tech Services was called on their end of things. Then, when the web cams worked there was no sound. So we both put our phones on speaker and talked that way, my thinking is that they don't do this often since their were difficulties - so that's a good sign...
The interview, wasn't really an interview in my opinion. Instead, it was to introduce the training team to me and ask questions back and forth to get to know one another a bit more. The team consisted of five people, most of whom are field trainers and aren't always in the office, so today was rare to see everyone in the office. What a friend of mine and I were thinking is that this Skype date was used basically to see what I look like and be able to get the opinions of their team too. As the conversation only lasted 20 minutes, the conversation was quick and painless and now they can put a face to who this Minnesota girl is.
So what came out of this interview? Well, I'm not sure. I am still waiting to hear a final offer. I did get a phone call from the HR Recruiter again, telling me relocation assistance is NOT included with this position because it is entry level. Which is a bit disappointing, since that would have been like getting a hiring bonus. However, all systems are still a go, I am even more independent now than what I thought I had to be. Is that even possible?
Sounds like Texas is calling my name. With needing a place to live sooner rather than later, I'm going to reach out to my Phi Mu sisters who are in the Houston area, and possibly see if someone has a place I could stay with or be a roommate for the time being to not rush getting a 'bad' apartment without being in person down there. Once I receive word of an offer, that e-mail will be sent, pronto.
I can't believe this is happening. Now I'm trying to prolong my summer - not wanting to miss out on friends and family here. With the way things are going, definitely looks like I'll be spending my birthday in the Lone Star State. Monica Rupert, Training Coordinator. Uffda. 01 02 18
The interview, wasn't really an interview in my opinion. Instead, it was to introduce the training team to me and ask questions back and forth to get to know one another a bit more. The team consisted of five people, most of whom are field trainers and aren't always in the office, so today was rare to see everyone in the office. What a friend of mine and I were thinking is that this Skype date was used basically to see what I look like and be able to get the opinions of their team too. As the conversation only lasted 20 minutes, the conversation was quick and painless and now they can put a face to who this Minnesota girl is.
So what came out of this interview? Well, I'm not sure. I am still waiting to hear a final offer. I did get a phone call from the HR Recruiter again, telling me relocation assistance is NOT included with this position because it is entry level. Which is a bit disappointing, since that would have been like getting a hiring bonus. However, all systems are still a go, I am even more independent now than what I thought I had to be. Is that even possible?
Sounds like Texas is calling my name. With needing a place to live sooner rather than later, I'm going to reach out to my Phi Mu sisters who are in the Houston area, and possibly see if someone has a place I could stay with or be a roommate for the time being to not rush getting a 'bad' apartment without being in person down there. Once I receive word of an offer, that e-mail will be sent, pronto.
I can't believe this is happening. Now I'm trying to prolong my summer - not wanting to miss out on friends and family here. With the way things are going, definitely looks like I'll be spending my birthday in the Lone Star State. Monica Rupert, Training Coordinator. Uffda. 01 02 18
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Waiting Game. Continued.
After many messages left and e-mails sent, I finally connected with the HR Recruiter for CC today. At 11am, she called to chat about opportunities with the company. She narrowed my choices down to two entry-level jobs:
Training Coordinator
Merchandise Specialist
Both of which are appealing for their own reasons. She set up a time for me with the Training Manager at 3pm today. I didn't know this was a phone interview, thought it was to talk about the position like I briefly did this morning. Well, turns out the phone interview went very well. She was also a RA like myself and asked me questions that of course I knew the answers too. So, onto the position.
The Training Coordinator is brand new, I would be the first person in this position (I tend to be the first ones with jobs it seems...) and develop the job into what I want it to be, with some but not all flexibility. As described by the Training Manager, I'd be the hub or the training department. Lasting 50 minutes, and with one of the Field Specialists jumping into the interview at the end, I was very pleased with how it went. I was complemented on my event planning skills, asked about my conflict resolution tactics, and acknowledged for my Professional Writing minor.
The Training Coordinator is brand new, I would be the first person in this position (I tend to be the first ones with jobs it seems...) and develop the job into what I want it to be, with some but not all flexibility. As described by the Training Manager, I'd be the hub or the training department. Lasting 50 minutes, and with one of the Field Specialists jumping into the interview at the end, I was very pleased with how it went. I was complemented on my event planning skills, asked about my conflict resolution tactics, and acknowledged for my Professional Writing minor.
Now, the waiting game begins all over. This time though, it's a bit more important than will I be a Charmer or not. This time, it's will I be THE Training Coordinator or not. If not, I still can apply for the Merchandise Specialist position, however, I've got my fingers crossed that I won't have to do that.
With the anticipation building, I have begun the apartment search. I found out there is a Metro system, both rail and bus, that navigates throughout Houston. And the Zoo is only 10 minutes from work. There's a bagel shop 4 miles from work, and apartments everywhere. Can't wait to make this all official. Hopefully, sooner rather than later.
With the anticipation building, I have begun the apartment search. I found out there is a Metro system, both rail and bus, that navigates throughout Houston. And the Zoo is only 10 minutes from work. There's a bagel shop 4 miles from work, and apartments everywhere. Can't wait to make this all official. Hopefully, sooner rather than later.
Thanks CC, for opening the doors to Corporate. Goal of being there before my birthday: looking good. Oh, and wanna know what I'll be doing for my 23rd birthday? Taking a dolphin cruise in the Gulf of Mexico that leaves from Galveston. Yep. Now that's the good life.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
11 days have passed since I last spoke about CC. Well, within that time frame one thing has happened, alright two technically, I e-mailed the HR Recruiter telling more about myself and I'm interested in a position with Corporate. The next day she e-mailed back asking for my resume, to which I promptly sent it to her. Then I received another e-mail asking if there is a time we can 'speak about opportunities with CC.'
WELL. This got me excited. I was hoping yesterday was going to bring the first 'interview' of sorts with the HR Recruiter. However, no new inbox message, no phone call. After consulting with my GSM today at work, I'm giving the HR Recruiter a call tomorrow morning. My GSM thinks she needs to know specifically what jobs I'm interested in. After re-looking at the website (which they have switched over to Kronos, now operating with new application processes as well) I've realized that there are a couple more jobs.
WELL. This got me excited. I was hoping yesterday was going to bring the first 'interview' of sorts with the HR Recruiter. However, no new inbox message, no phone call. After consulting with my GSM today at work, I'm giving the HR Recruiter a call tomorrow morning. My GSM thinks she needs to know specifically what jobs I'm interested in. After re-looking at the website (which they have switched over to Kronos, now operating with new application processes as well) I've realized that there are a couple more jobs.
I've narrowed down my top three (alright four), to tell her tomorrow.
1) PR Specialist
2) Social Media Specialist
3) Marketing Specialist
4) Sourcing Specialist
Basically, specialist means I'm new at the job. Hopefully I'll get to talk to this mysterious lady tomorrow.
Friday, July 1, 2011
CORPORATE. (not yet, but soon!)
Super great day at work. Besides the sweltering heat, yes, even with the air conditioning at work, it was VERY warm inside the store, I had a great day. I am taking full advantage of being able to wear jewelry we sell at the store. So I've been trying some new belts on everyday (gotta have something to hold my headset on anyway) and fun new rhinestone bracelets we just got in. I like this whole '6 piece jewelery' thing we have going on at CC.
Also, today I talked with my manager for a good 20 minutes about my future with the company. She explained how 'fun' the atmosphere is in Houston. The buyers are 'cute girls like you' who just graduated college most likely. She definitely confirmed today, more than ever, that I will fit in and love it down there. Plus, I told her of my birthday goal (September 13 to be in Houston) and she has no reason why that can't happen. So HOLY BUCKETS that's two months away. We sent two e-mails (I sent one, and she sent one) to the HR Recruiter. We figured with the long weekend, nothing would be heard from her until Tuesday. BUT when I got home and checked my e-mail - she e-mailed me back! I sent her my resume (after updating it with CC information) and now am waiting to hear back from her again. This is super promising, my first 'real' contact with Corporate. And she uses exclamation points like no other, like the whole CC world seems to do... I could get used to that!
I work all weekend - yes Friday, Saturday, Sunday, AND Monday. But I'm okay with this. I'm finally getting more hours, and taking hours from the high school students who have summer plans (ha) so before ya know it they are going to be sick of me at work. Monday we are having a little Fourth of July celebration with food for all five of us (or so) that will actually be working.
Tomorrow I get to share the good news with my two favorite managers. My GSM and one of my ASM's, and I can't wait to hear what they have to say. They are becoming more like family each day. Such a great feeling. This workplace is the friendliest place I've been at for a summer job in... well, ever.
So, Corporate - here I come. 01 02 18
Also, today I talked with my manager for a good 20 minutes about my future with the company. She explained how 'fun' the atmosphere is in Houston. The buyers are 'cute girls like you' who just graduated college most likely. She definitely confirmed today, more than ever, that I will fit in and love it down there. Plus, I told her of my birthday goal (September 13 to be in Houston) and she has no reason why that can't happen. So HOLY BUCKETS that's two months away. We sent two e-mails (I sent one, and she sent one) to the HR Recruiter. We figured with the long weekend, nothing would be heard from her until Tuesday. BUT when I got home and checked my e-mail - she e-mailed me back! I sent her my resume (after updating it with CC information) and now am waiting to hear back from her again. This is super promising, my first 'real' contact with Corporate. And she uses exclamation points like no other, like the whole CC world seems to do... I could get used to that!
I work all weekend - yes Friday, Saturday, Sunday, AND Monday. But I'm okay with this. I'm finally getting more hours, and taking hours from the high school students who have summer plans (ha) so before ya know it they are going to be sick of me at work. Monday we are having a little Fourth of July celebration with food for all five of us (or so) that will actually be working.
Tomorrow I get to share the good news with my two favorite managers. My GSM and one of my ASM's, and I can't wait to hear what they have to say. They are becoming more like family each day. Such a great feeling. This workplace is the friendliest place I've been at for a summer job in... well, ever.
So, Corporate - here I come. 01 02 18
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Summer goes on.
It's odd to say it's summer. Because I have always designated summer as the time in between spring and fall semester of class. But now, it's summertime, and when fall comes, it will be just fall. Not back to school fall. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I'm glad for the non-homework aspect of this, but the social life will and already has affected me.
BUT, I couldn't have gone to Las Vegas during the school year, well I could, but it wouldn't have been a wise decision, unless it was break of course. The trip got my travel bug going. I wish I could have stayed longer and gone to the Grand Canyon for my second time and hiked, I wish I could have traveled the two hours to Los Angeles, and I wish I could have spent more time outside. All in all, seeing the glitz and glam was fun, and I even found dolphins. But when the day is done, I'd much rather be hiking, biking, kayaking, or anything adventurous and active. And now I know. I had a blast with my friend there and am glad we got to experience it together, but we both decided that it's an every five or ten year visit....and once we are part of the imaginary '25 long dress club.' Because we both concluded that to wear a long sundress best, is when you're 25, and they are all the rage in Vegas. That's only two years away for me, but four for her. Almost perfect timing for the every five year trip.
In other news, two weeks have passed since my store manager e-mailed Corporate. Today at work she asked if I had heard a reply, and once I said no, she was quite surprised. She's sending another e-mail shortly. She also will be traveling down to Houston soon, so maybe she'll say a little something in person for me. Who knows, before I know it, I could be on a plane moving, things can happen quick, but for now I'm here. And summer goes on. 01 02 18
BUT, I couldn't have gone to Las Vegas during the school year, well I could, but it wouldn't have been a wise decision, unless it was break of course. The trip got my travel bug going. I wish I could have stayed longer and gone to the Grand Canyon for my second time and hiked, I wish I could have traveled the two hours to Los Angeles, and I wish I could have spent more time outside. All in all, seeing the glitz and glam was fun, and I even found dolphins. But when the day is done, I'd much rather be hiking, biking, kayaking, or anything adventurous and active. And now I know. I had a blast with my friend there and am glad we got to experience it together, but we both decided that it's an every five or ten year visit....and once we are part of the imaginary '25 long dress club.' Because we both concluded that to wear a long sundress best, is when you're 25, and they are all the rage in Vegas. That's only two years away for me, but four for her. Almost perfect timing for the every five year trip.
In other news, two weeks have passed since my store manager e-mailed Corporate. Today at work she asked if I had heard a reply, and once I said no, she was quite surprised. She's sending another e-mail shortly. She also will be traveling down to Houston soon, so maybe she'll say a little something in person for me. Who knows, before I know it, I could be on a plane moving, things can happen quick, but for now I'm here. And summer goes on. 01 02 18
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Vegas Bound.
I've been waiting everyday for an e-mail from the anonymous corporate person. Each day checking my e-mail in hopes of seeing something from @charmingcharlie. Not yet. But I'll be patient, I mean I can't not be patient since it's my future career and all.
First weekend down in Houston. This is what I'm doing: http://www.baywatchdolphintours.com/index.html
Until any moving takes place, I've got some traveling to do. To Vegas, with one of my best friends. It's her 21st tomorrow. And I'm so excited and appreciative that I'll be with her. She might not know it yet, but when I travel, I try and do everything possible in the amount of time we're there. I may have to tone this down. But we'll see. I've got my swimsuits (yes, plural), shorts, t-shirts, going out outfits, and tons of cute accessories all packed. Now it's just the waiting game until I leave for the airport.
I haven't been on a plane since I came back from Europe in Spring of 2009. But the thrill of take of, the real life rollarcoaster is so exhilarating. I'm still baffled every time I'm on a plane that such a massive object can fly, the physics I never understood.
Perhaps once I get back I'll have a job update and who knows, maybe I'll hit it big in Vegas. 01 02 18
First weekend down in Houston. This is what I'm doing: http://www.baywatchdolphintours.com/index.html
Until any moving takes place, I've got some traveling to do. To Vegas, with one of my best friends. It's her 21st tomorrow. And I'm so excited and appreciative that I'll be with her. She might not know it yet, but when I travel, I try and do everything possible in the amount of time we're there. I may have to tone this down. But we'll see. I've got my swimsuits (yes, plural), shorts, t-shirts, going out outfits, and tons of cute accessories all packed. Now it's just the waiting game until I leave for the airport.
I haven't been on a plane since I came back from Europe in Spring of 2009. But the thrill of take of, the real life rollarcoaster is so exhilarating. I'm still baffled every time I'm on a plane that such a massive object can fly, the physics I never understood.
Perhaps once I get back I'll have a job update and who knows, maybe I'll hit it big in Vegas. 01 02 18
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Burst of Sun.
Today brought cheerfulness, despite the rainy day. My manager sent an e-mail to one of her contacts at Corporate (in Houston, Texas - for a reminder) today at around 3pm, right when my first shift ended and before my second half of the day started up at 4pm. She asked for my specific major again. I had to explain the concept of Marketing and Communications being one degree, not two. And had to explain what Professional Writing and Art meant as double minors. But hey, it's all in the e-mail to the anonymous person who may hire me in the near future. And she made sure to get my e-mail correct. Yep, I'm feeling pretty good. Thank goodness this happened so quickly because I was about this close (yep, that close) to applying for two positions within the AmeriCorps that had a September 1st start date. Instead, I'm still on track for Texas.
A special thanks to my friend, Gina, who is always with me every step of the way and made my day with the words of "GO TO TEXAS." Thank you. And of course everyone else who is just as excited as I am. Thanks guys, you all will receive huge CC gift baskets someday, I promise. :) 01 02 18
A special thanks to my friend, Gina, who is always with me every step of the way and made my day with the words of "GO TO TEXAS." Thank you. And of course everyone else who is just as excited as I am. Thanks guys, you all will receive huge CC gift baskets someday, I promise. :) 01 02 18
Thursday, June 16, 2011
So I Graduated.
Today at work I met someone I hadn't worked with before. Why I haven't met her before? Because she took last week off for her high school graduation. Hmm. That was me four years ago, and now we have the same job? I don't like that. It's really getting to me, I don't like working with 18 year olds. No offense to them, but I have a college degree and way more potential right now, I shouldn't be working with high school graduates. This has to change.
I've been looking into AmeriCorps again. And of course, the PeaceCorps Masters International (MI) program. I feel like escaping, not in a bad way, but just as a change to myself. I'm too comfortable. I'm living at home, working in Woodbury, it's all familiar. I need something new.
I hope it's Texas. But I've got a pretty short attention span these days. I get bored easily. Who knows, I might just start sending in applications everywhere. And maybe one will work out. I could have been in Washington now. Hmm. I could use seeing a whale right now to bring some excitement back into me. I haven't been wearing my necklace like I used to. Hmm. There's just a lot of 'Hmms' going on. Something will be done about this. So I graduated, now what. 01 02 18
I've been looking into AmeriCorps again. And of course, the PeaceCorps Masters International (MI) program. I feel like escaping, not in a bad way, but just as a change to myself. I'm too comfortable. I'm living at home, working in Woodbury, it's all familiar. I need something new.
I hope it's Texas. But I've got a pretty short attention span these days. I get bored easily. Who knows, I might just start sending in applications everywhere. And maybe one will work out. I could have been in Washington now. Hmm. I could use seeing a whale right now to bring some excitement back into me. I haven't been wearing my necklace like I used to. Hmm. There's just a lot of 'Hmms' going on. Something will be done about this. So I graduated, now what. 01 02 18
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Work continued.
Cashiering is in full swing. My number still doesn't work, but I have had another employee along side me to use theirs. Hopefully, this Thursday at work my number will magically work and I do not need to wonder when I will finally have one all to myself. For now, being a Charmer continues on. I enjoy working with all the Assistant Store Managers and have thought about inquiring if the ASM position at the SLP location is still available, for now, or for future. I have rearranged displays at work and really enjoyed it. I've realized I enjoy designing the displays and having a higher-up roll than the one who sweeps the floor and picks up after everyone. I already knew this about myself, however, this position proves it. It is not challenging, the most challenging part is how to persuade customers to sign up for our e-mail list. Meh. Not me. I'm ready for a move already. I love working with the customers - most, let me repeat, MOST, are happy to be surrounded by tons of accessories in the store, and that makes the job worthwhile. But Store Manager, let me move up while I'm fresh out of college full of motivation, dedication, curiosity, and creativity.
Because who knows, I just might take a different job in the mean time if Texas isn't in my near future, because being a Charmer is not my permanent post-graduation plan. I'm not being pessimistic, just optimistic. Optimistic for the future and challenging myself. And starting a new chapter in my book called Life. 01 02 18
Because who knows, I just might take a different job in the mean time if Texas isn't in my near future, because being a Charmer is not my permanent post-graduation plan. I'm not being pessimistic, just optimistic. Optimistic for the future and challenging myself. And starting a new chapter in my book called Life. 01 02 18
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Day 2.
Without my ID# working, it's impossible to cashier. Cashiering postponed for one more day. Instead, I hung up new silver hoops in the silver section. Organized every hoop according to style. And then I hung up new hair accessories in Charlie Girl. Some of which, I'll probably purchase one day soon. I got to decide the layout of these new items. This may seem minimal, but I did so with pristine care and consideration for design. Organizing by color makes so much sense. I hope my managers see that I'm a hard worker and care about the store appearance and the overall company. I'm getting to know one of the assistant store managers very well, the one I had the first interview with. She's really helpful and enjoys humor. Which I am glad, because every work place needs a little. We also share a passion for zebra print, so that helps too. And I ask a lot of questions. Plus, everyone remembers names extremely well, I suppose having one new person coming in isn't as hard as me trying to learn everyone elses' name. I'll work on it. Day 3 tomorrow. Oh what to wear.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Accessory Overload.
Since my first day of work on Sunday I've been talking non-stop to friends about my job. Through texting, phone conversations, Facebook, and Twitter. And now Blogger. Crazy how only four hours can start a conversation with so many people. My first day was great. It's not rocket science, but it's very enjoyable. I interact with literally everyone who comes in the doors. The learned greeting of, "Hi. Welcome to Charming Charlie. Have you shopped with us before?" is already ingrained in my brain. The color layout of the store is already memorized, and after just one day I can say I've almost concurred a look at every single item CC sells.
The most rewarding part of my day was when a woman asked me what jewelry looked teal versus turquoise. Yes, this might sound like nonsense to some. But think about it, when was the last time someone asked your honest opinion of something? Add in the factor, that I'm a complete stranger to this customer. Yet, she asked me what I think. And took my opinion into consideration.
Another rewarding part of my day was when an older woman asked me what would her 13 year old granddaughter like. Her favorite color is purple. Off I went. Oh to think back to what 7th grade was like.
And lastly, a woman searching for a scarf to go around a new garden hat she was buying. She's tired of wearing baseball caps she said. And now was the time for a wide-brimmed hat that could be embellished with any scarf she chose. 'Does this one go with this? How about this one? I should bring in my swimsuits and find one to match that too, then I can wear this hat more.'
Man, I love my job. And it's only week one. 01 02 18
The most rewarding part of my day was when a woman asked me what jewelry looked teal versus turquoise. Yes, this might sound like nonsense to some. But think about it, when was the last time someone asked your honest opinion of something? Add in the factor, that I'm a complete stranger to this customer. Yet, she asked me what I think. And took my opinion into consideration.
Another rewarding part of my day was when an older woman asked me what would her 13 year old granddaughter like. Her favorite color is purple. Off I went. Oh to think back to what 7th grade was like.
And lastly, a woman searching for a scarf to go around a new garden hat she was buying. She's tired of wearing baseball caps she said. And now was the time for a wide-brimmed hat that could be embellished with any scarf she chose. 'Does this one go with this? How about this one? I should bring in my swimsuits and find one to match that too, then I can wear this hat more.'
Man, I love my job. And it's only week one. 01 02 18
Saturday, June 4, 2011
And my working world begins.
Today is my last day without work. This isn't to say I won't have days off. Or take vacations. But today marks the end of the almighty summer vacation. The summer vacation that I have had since pre-school. 17 years of schooling has come to an end. No more do I hold a summer job for three months and head back to school like I have done throughout college. No more do I bum around home and only have the worries of what to do with friends like I had done prior to age 16. And no more do I get to pick anything that interests me and work there for 3 months, such as I have done since my first job at age 16. From Como Town, Lancer Catering, Camp Como Volunteer Assistant, Nickelodean Universe, and ReBath, I have enjoyed all my summer jobs.
Now I embark on a new journey. One that has lead me to the company, Charming Charlie. Who knows how long I'll work for them. It just may be the rest of my life.
My working world begins in 20 hours. 3pm tomorrow until close.
Will I deny that I have looked at places to live in the Bellaire suburb of Houston, Texas? No.
Will I deny that I have looked at HomeGoods and found everything for my beach house? No.
I've never had more support than now for going to Texas. My friends say it'll be a great fit. My family already wants to visit. Now, I need to get there. Let's do this, Charming Charlie. 01 02 18
Now I embark on a new journey. One that has lead me to the company, Charming Charlie. Who knows how long I'll work for them. It just may be the rest of my life.
My working world begins in 20 hours. 3pm tomorrow until close.
Will I deny that I have looked at places to live in the Bellaire suburb of Houston, Texas? No.
Will I deny that I have looked at HomeGoods and found everything for my beach house? No.
I've never had more support than now for going to Texas. My friends say it'll be a great fit. My family already wants to visit. Now, I need to get there. Let's do this, Charming Charlie. 01 02 18
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Current Openings.
Corporate Positions.
Marketing. Marketing Assistant. Entry Level.
Merchandising. Sourcing Specialist. Entry Level.
E-commerce. Site Merchant. Entry Level.
What melts my heart:
"This position will also eventually require domestic and international travel to overseas factories to support Charming Charlie’s direct import initiative." Yes, having the title of Sourcing Specialist would be amazing. 01 02 18
Marketing. Marketing Assistant. Entry Level.
Merchandising. Sourcing Specialist. Entry Level.
E-commerce. Site Merchant. Entry Level.
What melts my heart:
"This position will also eventually require domestic and international travel to overseas factories to support Charming Charlie’s direct import initiative." Yes, having the title of Sourcing Specialist would be amazing. 01 02 18
Reading Charming Charlie blogs tonight. About fashion. Accessorizing. Embellishments. Crazy colors everywhere on their website. Glitter and glam everywhere. I've dreamt of being able to work for a magazine company such as Cosmo or even Fitness. But this is better. This combines retail, creativity, flair, fun, and being and feeling fabulous. Positivity, upbeat attitudes, color, pizazz, a fresh, young company still emerging - I'm giddy just thinking of the possibilities.
They want to go global. I could help with that. I would love to help with that. I will help with that.
Corporate. Houston, Texas. By my birthday. September 13th. 108 days. 01 02 18
They want to go global. I could help with that. I would love to help with that. I will help with that.
Corporate. Houston, Texas. By my birthday. September 13th. 108 days. 01 02 18
25 days.
Vegas in 25 days.
Yesterday I bought a swimsuit (yes it was a bikini) that I adore. Black bottoms that I can change out with colorful tops. And a cute twisted yellow 60s-esque bandeau top with straps. I normally don't enjoy swim suit shopping that much. But yesterday was do I dare say, fun. And I can contribute almost all of it to being with a best friend to have along the way. Because picking out swimsuits together and laughing about them is better to do in pairs, and not alone.
Monday brings my first 5K of the summer to life. I'll be running, alright honestly - jogging - around Como Lake in Saint Paul at 8am. Oh happy Memorial Day! But this hopefully will bring back some lost motivation and kick start the remaining 23 days til I'm lying by the pool turning into a lobster.
Vegas in 25 days. Can't wait. 01 02 18
Yesterday I bought a swimsuit (yes it was a bikini) that I adore. Black bottoms that I can change out with colorful tops. And a cute twisted yellow 60s-esque bandeau top with straps. I normally don't enjoy swim suit shopping that much. But yesterday was do I dare say, fun. And I can contribute almost all of it to being with a best friend to have along the way. Because picking out swimsuits together and laughing about them is better to do in pairs, and not alone.
Monday brings my first 5K of the summer to life. I'll be running, alright honestly - jogging - around Como Lake in Saint Paul at 8am. Oh happy Memorial Day! But this hopefully will bring back some lost motivation and kick start the remaining 23 days til I'm lying by the pool turning into a lobster.
Vegas in 25 days. Can't wait. 01 02 18
Thursday, May 26, 2011
A few of my favorite things.
I've gone through many phases in my life. Materialistically speaking. In elementary school I wore hand-me-downs from my cousin or too big t-shirts from who knows where. Middle school brought out more of a preppy side in myself, when I thought Aeropostale was cool although I couldn't even pronounce the name, and to this day, still don't know how. High school became a mix of everything, I realized how great Target was for absolutely everything. Yet, also tried to upgrade to American Eagle in order to fit in. This AE urge was brought out even more Sophomore year in college when influences from friends pushed me to spend way too much money on not that comfy of clothing.
I enjoy department stores. The basics of Kohl's, Target, JcPenney's, and Old Navy. Cheap, always changing, yet clothing that holds up to the ability I put it through. I've had the urge to own a Coach bag, perhaps even shoes, but will I ever? No. My biggest splurge I have is a pair of Fossil sunglasses. That I adore. And take care of probably the most out of anything I own. Could I ever justify spending over 100 bucks on a bag that will one day have to rest on a bathroom floor at a rest stop at who knows where? No. Why pay for something that does nothing for me when the bag I currently use came free from a perfume purchase my mom made over 5 years ago. That's a rhetorical question.
Now present day, I enjoy Goodwill. A lot. I've found awesome shirts that have barely been worn. I've found countless books that I would never pay full price for. And I've also gotten the most compliments from clothing purchased here. Where else can you find a pair of jeans that is already worn in for you? I don't mind it one bit. Thanks previous owner for taking weeks of work off my hands. In addition, I love a sale. A coupon. A bargain. I very rarely pay full price for anything. I need to save to really enjoy it. My prom dress senior year, $12 on clearance. My favorite PJ shorts, $1.50 from Goodwill. My favorite jeans, $19.99 on sale - and I've had them for six years.
So on to a few of my recent new favorite things. Products.
1) OPI nail polish. Not only do I get true satisfaction from the names of the polish, I've never used nail polish that is so smooth. As I've always used 99 cent NYC stuff. No more, no more.
2) Stila liquid eyeliner. Just purchased today. After years of buying, also 99 cent NYC pencils, I've splurged for glitter eyeliner that is waterproof and comes in a pretty little bottle with an awesome tip and smoothness like nothing else I've used before.
3) Listerine Whitening pre-brush rinse. Never would I leave this taste in my mouth like a post-brush rinse, but this one does the job and quite nicely. In fact that most recent compliment I've gotten was from my dentist, who said "you've got beautiful teeth." Thank you Doc.
4) Olay creamy scrub face wash. Although Olay has changed their packaging multiple times over the years I've used this. The product is still the same. Thank goodness. Removes makeup, dry skin, and dirt - but does so gracefully.
So although I'm not materialistic in my clothing purchases, I've transferred those feelings to the products I use for myself. Which I think is all the better. Don't get me wrong, I love shoes. I love accessories. I love new clothes. But I do so in moderation and with a creative twist that involves saving money and adding my own sense of style.
Now you know a little bit more about a few of my new favorite things. Specifically, did I mention that OPI came out with a new Texas collection. Coincidence? I think not. See you in a few months, Lone Star State. 01 02 18
I enjoy department stores. The basics of Kohl's, Target, JcPenney's, and Old Navy. Cheap, always changing, yet clothing that holds up to the ability I put it through. I've had the urge to own a Coach bag, perhaps even shoes, but will I ever? No. My biggest splurge I have is a pair of Fossil sunglasses. That I adore. And take care of probably the most out of anything I own. Could I ever justify spending over 100 bucks on a bag that will one day have to rest on a bathroom floor at a rest stop at who knows where? No. Why pay for something that does nothing for me when the bag I currently use came free from a perfume purchase my mom made over 5 years ago. That's a rhetorical question.
Now present day, I enjoy Goodwill. A lot. I've found awesome shirts that have barely been worn. I've found countless books that I would never pay full price for. And I've also gotten the most compliments from clothing purchased here. Where else can you find a pair of jeans that is already worn in for you? I don't mind it one bit. Thanks previous owner for taking weeks of work off my hands. In addition, I love a sale. A coupon. A bargain. I very rarely pay full price for anything. I need to save to really enjoy it. My prom dress senior year, $12 on clearance. My favorite PJ shorts, $1.50 from Goodwill. My favorite jeans, $19.99 on sale - and I've had them for six years.
So on to a few of my recent new favorite things. Products.
1) OPI nail polish. Not only do I get true satisfaction from the names of the polish, I've never used nail polish that is so smooth. As I've always used 99 cent NYC stuff. No more, no more.
2) Stila liquid eyeliner. Just purchased today. After years of buying, also 99 cent NYC pencils, I've splurged for glitter eyeliner that is waterproof and comes in a pretty little bottle with an awesome tip and smoothness like nothing else I've used before.
3) Listerine Whitening pre-brush rinse. Never would I leave this taste in my mouth like a post-brush rinse, but this one does the job and quite nicely. In fact that most recent compliment I've gotten was from my dentist, who said "you've got beautiful teeth." Thank you Doc.
4) Olay creamy scrub face wash. Although Olay has changed their packaging multiple times over the years I've used this. The product is still the same. Thank goodness. Removes makeup, dry skin, and dirt - but does so gracefully.
So although I'm not materialistic in my clothing purchases, I've transferred those feelings to the products I use for myself. Which I think is all the better. Don't get me wrong, I love shoes. I love accessories. I love new clothes. But I do so in moderation and with a creative twist that involves saving money and adding my own sense of style.
Now you know a little bit more about a few of my new favorite things. Specifically, did I mention that OPI came out with a new Texas collection. Coincidence? I think not. See you in a few months, Lone Star State. 01 02 18
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