Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Blogging Bandwagon.

So a few of my friends have taken on creating a blog this past semester. Three to be exact. Four including me. What exactly does this craze mean? Perhaps we all enjoy writing our personal life on the web, exposed to all to see. Perhaps we choose expression through our ever popular keyboard and not pen and paper any longer. Either way, blogging has been the hottest way to let friends, family, and strangers see what is going on in your life.

Now not everyone has a way with words, a pet peeve of mine occurs when words are misspelled. However, one must try, try, again and I admire those who believe they have the dedication to blogging.

I read a journal entry I had written down on Wednesday, September 8th, 2010 last night. The last sentence impressed me: "My goal of spending the summer (or my whole life who knows) with whales in Washington keeps me going - traveling, exploring, and discovering is my life." The flame to my goal has yet to burn out, now more than ever, the flame burns strong. I cannot wait for one more semester to pass, buds to bloom, and my hands on the wheel behind my Dodge as I'm headed out West.

With that being said, I perused the aisles of Borders last night. My adoration for the travel section will never go away. I made a wish list for maps of Seattle and a San Juan Travel Book. Two items I will treasure forever. One can not go wrong with pavement that doesn't stop and a map at ones side. 01 02 18

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I tried writing a post last night. But failed to think of something that seemed worthy. I felt bad that I couldn't think of something more meaningful than simple fluff. I have not lost motivation that is not it, my want and need to travel is at a peek now. I believe my life has been so busy that I have simplied lived life day by day and for a rare time in my life not had time to be my futuristic self.

Well this post is untitled, simply because I do not know what to write about. Yet, I'm still here, blogging. I won't stop. Life is crazy, and time does not stand still.

I hope to write productively soon. 01 02 18

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Stepping Stones.

Writing on the back of an Applebee's receipt, the stops out to Washington have been tentatively decided:

1) Mount Rushmore, SD
2) A little past Billings, Montana
3) Spokane, Washington
4) Seattle, Washington

My dream is becoming reality. I love feeling the progress that is made to such a huge goal for myself. This life changing move is the best thing I can do for myself at this point: to explore, dream, and discover. 01 02 18