Sunday, August 14, 2011

A teeny tiny update.

Received an e-mail from the HR Recruiter, it's still another couple weeks til the final candidates are selected. Yes, the final candidates (plural) - meaning there is still one more step to be completed, whether that be an in-person interview, or just them discussing everyone again. Not really sure. I'll wait a couple (ish) weeks to find out.

In the mean time, my ASM at work e-mailed our district manager and reiterated the fact that I applied for a Corporate job, have a degree, and I'd be a great candidate and am basically interested in any position. My ASM said she responded quickly and was excited that I was interested (I've only met her once, and don't think she remembers me...) and we shall see where that goes.

I also got over-time last week. Meaning I got time and a half for some hours, which I like. My GSM may not like that I got over-time but when I got called every single day (yes, every day) to either come in early or stay late, they can't argue with my hours. So, hopefully they see how dedicated I am to the company and that I do enjoy my job. Because I don't think I want to leave CC, if I did, it'd only be temporary, it's too much fun working with them. Seriously, who can say they love there job? I can.
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