Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The City by the Bay.

Here's the rest of my two day San Francisco trip. Yes, I did go whale watching, which was the highlight (and the center of attention to a previous post), but I also explored by foot, cable car, and trolley. I am already looking forward to my next trip out West.

I love this building: The Ferry Building. This giant clock tower that greets most individuals to the Bay is modeled after at 12th century bell tower in the Seville Cathedral in Spain. Pretty cool, huh?

I love even more that I was greeted by a Farmer's Market (with fruit!) right outside the Ferry Building. I stocked up on fresh grapes and nectarines for my visit. Popping grapes one by one I wandered further down the piers taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of San Francisco.

First stop: Walking Pier 1. Continuing to munch my grapes, I slowly walked the length of the Pier. I listened to the foreign language of the fishermen, offered to take a picture for a couple, and even saw my first sea lion in the bay area! I was in love with the city, relaxed as ever, and so thankful to be able to hop on a plane and discover this city again.

My whale watching adventure took place on this boat, the Kitty Kat. She was great. I have learned since being at the airlines, vessels are always 'she.' Thus, she was great. The bathroom, less than ideal. But then again who could even use the bathroom when your eyes are focused on the water looking for wildlife.

Pier 39. If I could take this enormous mural home with me I would. This gentle giant would go in my backyard just because. Although I did so much in just two days, there are still countless more places to see and discover which will keep me coming back. For those of you who have not been to San Francisco before, or Northern California in general, GO. As soon as you can. You will fall in love with this part of the States.
Folks who haven't seen many sea gulls in their lifetime. I was captivated by their surprise and excitement over a sea gull. Life is truly filled with little things. But then again, I'd watch birds all day too if I could.

The renowned sea lions.

This is the boardwalk which wraps all along the Bay toward the Golden Gate bridge as well as back toward Pier 1. I sat on the concrete steps to eat my grocery store lunch while writing postcards. I told one of my best friends that I love escaping like this. On little trips. Because I really did escape, my life did not seem 'real' at this moment and I had no cares in the world besides making sure the sea gull next to me wouldn't steal my food. And frankly, most days this holds true (not the sea gull stealing my food part). I have such a flexible schedule and great travel benefits that I am still baffled by all I am capable of experiencing, even a year after beginning this journey.
From a distance I was able to watch part of America's Cup. These boats are the fastest in the world and their sailors (or skippers as they are called) are the best in world. These boats literally fly across the water. The finals take place next year in San Francisco. Viewing areas were under construction while I was here. This only added to the great two days I had. Yes, only two days. Short and so sweet.

I already used the word 'renowned' to describe the sea lions, but the renowned cable cars deserve the word again. I did not take the cable car last time I was here (sophomore year in high school) so this time I was not leaving before catching a ride. Well worth the $8 one way ride.

San Francisco, this isn't the last time I'll be seeing you. I've got my eye on my San Francisco Groupon for this very reason.

01 02 18

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Pumpkin, Dark Chocolate, Granola Muffins.

These muffins are delicious. And I like to think nutritious. (Just go with it.) The perfect cloudy, chilly day to bake brought this recipe into my hands. And now this recipe will never, ever be leaving my life. Enjoy!

This is how every kitchen should look when baking. I love setting out all my ingredients first so I don't have to open up the cupboard every five seconds. Plus, I feel like Rachel Ray when she grabs every ingredient needed and balances them all in her arms until she sets them on the counter. What a challenge. I cannot wait to have my own cute kitchen someday, with lots of canisters and ingredients galore! 

The batter in the final stages all whipped up! First whisk the dry ingredients together, followed by adding the wet ingredients (in this case brown sugar is considered a wet ingredient) then the granola and chocolate chips.

All ready to be baked! I chose to use the GIANT muffin pan I have. This way I feel like I just went to a coffee shop and indulged in a huge, yummy looking muffin instead of a tiny regular one that I would eat two of anyway! Plus, this recipe made exactly six giant muffins with lots of granola crumble for the tops!

01 02 18

Friday, November 9, 2012


Okay. This post has been LONG overdue. But so have many other posts that I have been meaning to write. September was a busy month, travel-wise. Work-wise, September brought the least amount of flight hours I have ever worked. Travel-wise, what I really yearn for, September was great. The Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta was checked off my to-do list on my birthday (this is the World's Largest Aquarium for those who are curious) as a very fun day trip. And then a two day, semi-spontaneous (I am not spontaneous, I need to plan, so I planned for only one day prior to leaving) trip to San Francisco happened!

I debated between Seattle and San Francisco for quite some time. The whales in Washington are mainly on the San Juan Islands, which would take a bit longer for me to journey to then the easily accessible San Francisco and Fisherman's Wharf. With this being said, I absolutely LOVE public transportation. I look for cities that I can get from the airport to whatever attraction via public transportation. So convenient, so easy, and usually quite cheap. In this case, the BART system in San Francisco was phenomenal. For $16.50 round trip, I made it from the airport right down to the Ferry Building. And from there only $2.00 per cable car ride, or $8.00 per trolley ride. Or FREE if you walk. On a perfectly sunny day, I decided to do a majority of walking all over this town. #lovelovelove

With just my little backpack packed as an overnight bag, I set out to explore this city as much as possible. I have been to San Francisco just once before, back in 10th grade. My mom and I went with the Como Zoo-Hoppers, and explored San Francisco, Oakland, Wine Country, Muir Woods, and the surrounding cities for a week. This time, traveling by myself, my priorities were a bit different. Some of the scenery was the same, some of the scenery was different, and some I did not remember at all.

The highlight and my purpose (to continue my now extended birthday month!) was WHALE WATCHING. Let me preface this by saying, I cannot believe this worked out. I booked my ticket the day prior, and the five and a half hour tour was quite worth the price. Check out the tour group I went with if you ever decide to go, they are all marine biologists, adhere to all rules and regulations about sea life/wildlife, and are super nice, plus the boat is named Kitty Kat! Currently, it is Humpback Whale migration time out at the Farallon Islands, approximately 27 miles past the San Francisco Bay out on the ocean. Yes, 27 miles. Which, by boat, is approximately two hours there and two hours back. That is quite the ride! Thank goodness my current job has gotten me quite used to turbulence and motion, because we ran into some rough water with nothing but grey clouds keeping us quite chilled, and salt water drying to a crust all over my face from random mists and sprays the entire ride. But would I change a thing? Of course not.

The whole group met at 8am at Pier 39. We embarked on our voyage at about 8:30am. The sun attempted to shine through, giving us a tease of the warmth we all wish we had the whole day! And that big cruise ship in the back? That's the Disney Cruise Ship. That thing is massive.

Victoria was our guide for the day. She is a Marine Biologist originally from Australia. She was adorable, informative, massively enthusiastic, and all in all just great.

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