Saturday, July 30, 2011

Well, here goes this thought.

Yesterday was a day of pondering. Pondering what if I don't get the job, then what do I do. Pondering what if I do get the job, but, either a) don't like it or b) can't bring myself to leave. The thoughts that processed in my head were all to much and I felt like I was lost, even though I'm on the right path.

My manager at CC is wonderful. A down to earth young lady who has endless enthusiasm and optimism. However, her mindset for me is only Corporate. Which is not a bad direction by any means, but I am left wondering, what if I do something else. What if we talk about Management again. What if I could see what New Store Openings (NSOs) are like, what if I could possibly relocate to a store in Minnesota when they open up new stores. Much of this has to do with the move, I want to leave and live somewhere else, but is Texas the right place to do that? I like the idea of moving to someplace I have already been to, or at least visited once, to have a better sense of the territory. Although, I'm not opposed to going without knowing, for there is some fun in that thought. But Texas. I've been there once, had a great time. But could I live there?

And then the thought of AmeriCorps popped back into my head. I hesitated applying since Corporate was in my mind since the beginning of summer. But I've always had this inkling to be an AmeriCorps worker. And I found two job opportunities in WA that are right up my alley. So, what did I do last night? Applied to them. And sent follow-up e-mails to their contact person. Although I won't hear until Monday at the earliest from them, I still really want to go out there and the jobs sound perfect and so rewarding. And since I have a few more days until I hear from CC (my assessment takes a few days to process, so Monday would be THE earliest), I figure I need to have some options.

The tricky part? AmeriCorps applications aren't due officially until August 15th, and Corporate will definitely need an answer before than if I am offered the position. Which, I haven't been offered the position yet, so I shouldn't get THAT far ahead of myself. But, I tend to always get ahead of myself, for this posts' sake, I'll assume I will get an offer...

I'm headed to River Falls tonight after work. Yes, I felt the need to write this blog at 7:30 in the morning, since I've been thinking about this nonstop. And I can't wait to process things out with a great friend of mine. Never did I think life could be so confusing and full of processing. But, I'm ready to think things through.

Now, let's see where today leads me. 01 02 18

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Skype Interview: Check.

After setting the scene last night for my Skype interview today, I was ready to go with a CC bag as a prop, my new Monet poster hung above the fireplace, and I was dressed in CC accessories. Well, technical difficulties got the best of both of us, the web cams wouldn't work for the first five attempted calls. Tech Services was called on their end of things. Then, when the web cams worked there was no sound. So we both put our phones on speaker and talked that way, my thinking is that they don't do this often since their were difficulties  - so that's a good sign...

The interview, wasn't really an interview in my opinion. Instead, it was to introduce the training team to me and ask questions back and forth to get to know one another a bit more. The team consisted of five people, most of whom are field trainers and aren't always in the office, so today was rare to see everyone in the office. What a friend of mine and I were thinking is that this Skype date was used basically to see what I look like and be able to get the opinions of their team too. As the conversation only lasted 20 minutes, the conversation was quick and painless and now they can put a face to who this Minnesota girl is.

So what came out of this interview? Well, I'm not sure. I am still waiting to hear a final offer. I did get a phone call from the HR Recruiter again, telling me relocation assistance is NOT included with this position because it is entry level. Which is a bit disappointing, since that would have been like getting a hiring bonus. However, all systems are still a go, I am even more independent now than what I thought I had to be. Is that even possible?

Sounds like Texas is calling my name. With needing a place to live sooner rather than later, I'm going to reach out to my Phi Mu sisters who are in the Houston area, and possibly see if someone has a place I could stay with or be a roommate for the time being to not rush getting a 'bad' apartment without being in person down there. Once I receive word of an offer, that e-mail will be sent, pronto.

I can't believe this is happening. Now I'm trying to prolong my summer - not wanting to miss out on friends and family here. With the way things are going, definitely looks like I'll be spending my birthday in the Lone Star State. Monica Rupert, Training Coordinator. Uffda. 01 02 18

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Waiting Game. Continued.

After many messages left and e-mails sent, I finally connected with the HR Recruiter for CC today. At 11am, she called to chat about opportunities with the company. She narrowed my choices down to two entry-level jobs:

Training Coordinator
Merchandise Specialist

Both of which are appealing for their own reasons. She set up a time for me with the Training Manager at 3pm today. I didn't know this was a phone interview, thought it was to talk about the position like I briefly did this morning. Well, turns out the phone interview went very well. She was also a RA like myself and asked me questions that of course I knew the answers too. So, onto the position.

The Training Coordinator is brand new, I would be the first person in this position (I tend to be the first ones with jobs it seems...) and develop the job into what I want it to be, with some but not all flexibility. As described by the Training Manager, I'd be the hub or the training department. Lasting 50 minutes, and with one of the Field Specialists jumping into the interview at the end, I was very pleased with how it went. I was complemented on my event planning skills, asked about my conflict resolution tactics, and acknowledged for my Professional Writing minor.

Now, the waiting game begins all over. This time though, it's a bit more important than will I be a Charmer or not. This time, it's will I be THE Training Coordinator or not. If not, I still can apply for the Merchandise Specialist position, however, I've got my fingers crossed that I won't have to do that.

With the anticipation building, I have begun the apartment search. I found out there is a Metro system, both rail and bus, that navigates throughout Houston. And the Zoo is only 10 minutes from work. There's a bagel shop 4 miles from work, and apartments everywhere. Can't wait to make this all official. Hopefully, sooner rather than later.

Thanks CC, for opening the doors to Corporate. Goal of being there before my birthday: looking good. Oh, and wanna know what I'll be doing for my 23rd birthday? Taking a dolphin cruise in the Gulf of Mexico that leaves from Galveston. Yep. Now that's the good life.
01 02 18

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


11 days have passed since I last spoke about CC. Well, within that time frame one thing has happened, alright two technically, I e-mailed the HR Recruiter telling more about myself and I'm interested in a position with Corporate. The next day she e-mailed back asking for my resume, to which I promptly sent it to her. Then I received another e-mail asking if there is a time we can 'speak about opportunities with CC.'

WELL. This got me excited. I was hoping yesterday was going to bring the first 'interview' of sorts with the HR Recruiter. However, no new inbox message, no phone call. After consulting with my GSM today at work, I'm giving the HR Recruiter a call tomorrow morning. My GSM thinks she needs to know specifically what jobs I'm interested in. After re-looking at the website (which they have switched over to Kronos, now operating with new application processes as well) I've realized that there are a couple more jobs.

I've narrowed down my top three (alright four), to tell her tomorrow.

1) PR Specialist
2) Social Media Specialist
3) Marketing Specialist
4) Sourcing Specialist

Basically, specialist means I'm new at the job. Hopefully I'll get to talk to this mysterious lady tomorrow.
01 02 18

Friday, July 1, 2011

CORPORATE. (not yet, but soon!)

Super great day at work. Besides the sweltering heat, yes, even with the air conditioning at work, it was VERY warm inside the store, I had a great day. I am taking full advantage of being able to wear jewelry we sell at the store. So I've been trying some new belts on everyday (gotta have something to hold my headset on anyway) and fun new rhinestone bracelets we just got in. I like this whole '6 piece jewelery' thing we have going on at CC.

Also, today I talked with my manager for a good 20 minutes about my future with the company. She explained how 'fun' the atmosphere is in Houston. The buyers are 'cute girls like you' who just graduated college most likely. She definitely confirmed today, more than ever, that I will fit in and love it down there. Plus, I told her of my birthday goal (September 13 to be in Houston) and she has no reason why that can't happen. So HOLY BUCKETS that's two months away. We sent two e-mails (I sent one, and she sent one) to the HR Recruiter. We figured with the long weekend, nothing would be heard from her until Tuesday. BUT when I got home and checked my e-mail - she e-mailed me back! I sent her my resume (after updating it with CC information) and now am waiting to hear back from her again. This is super promising, my first 'real' contact with Corporate. And she uses exclamation points like no other, like the whole CC world seems to do... I could get used to that!

I work all weekend - yes Friday, Saturday, Sunday, AND Monday. But I'm okay with this. I'm finally getting more hours, and taking hours from the high school students who have summer plans (ha) so before ya know it they are going to be sick of me at work. Monday we are having a little Fourth of July celebration with food for all five of us (or so) that will actually be working.

Tomorrow I get to share the good news with my two favorite managers. My GSM and one of my ASM's, and I can't wait to hear what they have to say. They are becoming more like family each day. Such a great feeling. This workplace is the friendliest place I've been at for a summer job in... well, ever.

So, Corporate - here I come. 01 02 18