Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The untitled post.

1) Border's is closing. Not cool. But with their sale, I found this book. Ecotourists Save the World by Pamela Brodowsky. I've already read all 317 pages of volunteer opportunities. I only glanced over the ones that have a cost associated with them (as I do not have money to spare in my life right now) but I have post-it notes on all the other pages that I'm interested in. I am so drawn to animals. Why I didn't at least minor in Biology at school, I don't know. Because that was my FAVORITE class in high school, the only AP test I actually passed, and I couldn't get enough. And I have the most books on science-y stuff. Yep. Well, now it turns into a passion. So hey, at least I'm not giving up on the subject.

2) My best friend got back from summer travels with YouthWorks and gave me this book. 50 Ways to Save the Ocean by David Helvarg. I've paged through it. And tonight plan on tackling it one way at a time. I love the Ocean and everything associated with it. It's a sign.

3) The part-time ASM position at work has been filled. So management is out of the question, at least for quite some time... I was frustrated and disappointed to hear this at work the other day, but it was finally a decisive moment, which I appreciate these days.

4) I hope to have an interview with MOA for the Event Planning internship by the end of next week, the HR Recruiter is out of town til this Monday, so I'll hear from her than.

5) The HR Recruiter from CC called me yesterday while I was at work, I called back today but had to leave a message, and haven't heard since. Perhaps tomorrow. But once again, I work. So more than likely I'll miss the call. We always play phone tag. So gosh darn frustrating.

6) I am loving the fact that decisions are slowly coming in. Because that narrows down my options and lets me move on to the next chapter in my life. Stay tuned. 01 02 03
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