Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Navy with an accent of red.

Uniforms. I am pro-uniform, I really am. In high school, I would have LOVED to be in uniform and not worry about what to wear each day or have the stigma that attaches with what you wear. Now, I have a uniform. And some parts I like, some parts I don't. I was told today, multiple times, that the uniform is a 'classic' look. Uniform standards are set because we are an image-conscious company. Our customers perceive us based on our looks. Truth.

What I don't like: blazers. I will get my uniform pieces tomorrow hopefully so I can't say I hate it. But get this little known fact: the shoulders are suppose to extend to your outermost arm muscle. Basically, this means you are a box. Take my lovely paint picture below, my actual arms are outlined but the blue is what I'll look like. Real cool, real cool.

The red is suppose to be a scarf. No injuries to the neck peeps.

Granted. I may grow to like it, or I may grow to only wear it when neccesary: boarding, landing, walking through the airport...so basically always. Hm. The blazer challenge begins.
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