I've always liked the Mall of America. Especially after I worked there all last summer. And now, I get to call it home again. With an even better gig than I could imagine. I'm the Operations Assistant aka Intern. And I love it. Here's Day One.
Day One
Jumped right into Toddler Tuesday. From 9am to Noon. Got Ice Cream from the freezer and wheeled it to the Rotunda. Set up kid tables with table coverings, crayons, and coloring sheets. Was a judge for the theme of this week - "The World's Largest Show & Tell" - and got to select seven kids to win based on their show and tell item. WHICH was hard. Thank goodness everyone got a prize, some just got a bigger one. Because one kid did CRY. His brother won but not him. What was I to do? The parents asked if they could buy the 'big prize' (which was a little Diego backpack filled with toys) for their other son, and of course, they could. But really, why not just tell them to share it? Oh well. So yes, I made a kid cry. But life goes on. I also watched my first episode of Backyardigans. And know have the song stuck in my head.

Yep, the episode "International Super Spy" is now stuck in my head.
Had lunch. For an hour. That was paid. First time in my life. I enjoyed getting paid to eat.
Got details from the other Coordinator's of what they do and what events are going on.
Had a tour of the Theatre and learned details about their position.
Took my badge picture, signed paperwork, and got all registered with HR.
Went to Orientation from 5 to 7:30pm. Learned all about MOA again, Phase II for the mall expansion, and the perks of the job.
THEN I went to Charming Charlie. Which was too much. Because it was markdown night. So from 8pm to 2am I was ticketing sale jewelry. Went to bed at 4am that night, then back to work at 8am. Ridiculous, I'm still tired. BUT I survived.
And that was Day One.
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