Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me.

My life now includes an iPhone. A new phone was not in my near future as of two weeks ago. But recently, my phone has been on the fritz. Not charging, erasing messages, and randomly turning off. With the phone out of warranty, and our plan available for an upgrade, I decided now is the time. Accepting the MOA job solidified my decision. I just bought my phone last night, found the perfect case for it today, and now will go in style and with technology to my new job. A place where phone calls will probably run high as well as google brainstorming. And of course, I will be able to photo document my new life at the Mall and stay updated with Twitter and FB. Love it. 

This is my new baby.

This is the case but flip out the colors (my phone is white, the wave is black)
01 02 18

Drumroll, please. I ACCEPTED A NEW JOB.

I am headed back to the fast-paced society called the Mall of America. I accepted the Event Planning Internship position just yesterday. I had my interview Thursday with one person from HR and one person from the Event Planning department, then was called back on Friday to come in on Monday for a group interview with the Event Planning team. The interview went FANTASTIC. Considering there were seven people asking questions and writing down my answers, the atmosphere was so relaxed, fun, and casual. We laughed within the board room and for only lasting 20 minutes, I felt like I am already part of their team.

My official title is the Event Planning Operations Assistant. They don't really refer to me as the intern, title wise. Which is nice. The position will entail A LOT of work, all of which I am super excited for. With the Mall putting on more than 400 events a year (yep, that's more than one per day) there is PLENTY work to do. The position runs until December 31st, with the possibility of extending that date. And of course, with a possibility of a permanent position *IF* there is an opening available.

I start on Tuesday, yes, only 6 days away. I could not be more excited. I will be keeping my CC job and thank goodness, they have been so cooperative and flexible with only a weeks notice. I will be able to let them know each Monday what days I am available the following week to work. Seeing as we only have 12 Charmers currently (this summer at peak we had FOURTY Charmers, yes four zero) I will still be able to get hours if I want them. But with a guarantee of 40 + hours at MOA, for more pay as well, I know where I will be spending (if not sleeping) most of my time.

Check out the MOA website if you have not. There's an events calender, my personal fav.

For the next four months I will have my hands full, all with a business casual flair.

01 02 18

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Let the creativity begin.

Alright. Here's the deal. I have a group interview (the final step!) for MOA. Exciting? VERY. I got the call early Friday morning (and by early, I mean 7:45AM - luckily I was up for work anyway) that they would like me to come back this Monday at 4pm. And with that the HR Manager sent me an e-mail that contains the Internship Test to bring back on Monday.

The test consists of creating three events for the Mall that are all coming up this Fall, they provide what the attraction is and I must explain and create how guests are going to be excited to attend the event. I must provide an outline, the sponsors, a budget, promotion, and cover the general aspects of the event. Thank goodness I have all day tomorrow to work on this. These events need to be brilliant.

I found this perfect black dress at Target when I went shopping (for other things of course). All the clothes were on the clearance racks, I couldn't resist. And I'm going to need 'big girl' clothing, because I'm going to get this 'big girl' job. Right? Right.

So anyway, this dress. I'm going to wear it on Monday. Part of me says it is not professional enough (versus the classic black or grey pants) but I need to show them who I am. And I'm going to wear my classic braided pigtails look. Which I also don't think is the most professional, but it's me, and I want to show them that. Now I need to figure out what shoes to wear. I'd like to wear boots, but I don't have any to go with it... perhaps you know what that means...and I will have to decide if a scarf is the right look or jewelry - out of the many, MANY, pieces I know own. Thanks, Charming Charlie.

Oh, and I did not get the Corporate job. I had a phone call set up with the HR Recruiter from CC this past Thursday. She informed me that they were very impressed, but choose someone with more experience. Oh well. I don't do well in the heat anyway. I love Fall and Winter too much, so perhaps it all worked out for the best anyway. She did inform me there are possibly two jobs in the future I would be able to apply for, so Texas is still a slim possibility, I just won't hold my breathe, at all. And that is that.

Stay tuned for MOA updates. I sure hope I will have one, if not some. 01 02 18

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Another week bites the dust.

A week has gone by and not much difference. The days are somewhat running together. I'm not opposed to this, as now my summer basically never ends since school isn't started for the very first time in my life. I'm slowly grasping the concept that I can do *fun* things forever and ever each day, without worry of having to do homework. I can go, go, go doing everything and anything I want, without having to get up for class or have the responsibilities of the roles I had at school. Yes, I have a job, yes the hours will increase eventually. But it's an odd freedom I haven't felt before. And I like it.

Don't get me wrong, seeing literally update after update about going back to RF from friends is sad, but I can always go back, and have been. Yes, I miss buying school supplies, but who says I can't still buy them? Or new school clothes? How bout new Fall clothing? And buying textbooks for school (which I never did anyway) - I now buy new fun reads to add to my library collection. Yep, this life is pretty sweet too. I had it made at school, but this new life has it made too.

That turned out to be more of a rant than I intended to. The point of the post was for updates, but then it would have been quite short. The only ones I've got are these:

1) I've been playing phone tag with the HR Manager at MOA for two days now. I've got my phone attached to my hip today waiting for her to call back. After this afternoon hopefully I'll know more deets about the Event Planning Intern position.

2) I have a phone conversation set up with the HR Recruiter from CC for tomorrow at 2:30pm. We shall see what she says. Because I have no idea what were are going to talk about, well I have some idea, but sometimes you just never know.

And that tis all for now. 01 02 18

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The untitled post.

1) Border's is closing. Not cool. But with their sale, I found this book. Ecotourists Save the World by Pamela Brodowsky. I've already read all 317 pages of volunteer opportunities. I only glanced over the ones that have a cost associated with them (as I do not have money to spare in my life right now) but I have post-it notes on all the other pages that I'm interested in. I am so drawn to animals. Why I didn't at least minor in Biology at school, I don't know. Because that was my FAVORITE class in high school, the only AP test I actually passed, and I couldn't get enough. And I have the most books on science-y stuff. Yep. Well, now it turns into a passion. So hey, at least I'm not giving up on the subject.

2) My best friend got back from summer travels with YouthWorks and gave me this book. 50 Ways to Save the Ocean by David Helvarg. I've paged through it. And tonight plan on tackling it one way at a time. I love the Ocean and everything associated with it. It's a sign.

3) The part-time ASM position at work has been filled. So management is out of the question, at least for quite some time... I was frustrated and disappointed to hear this at work the other day, but it was finally a decisive moment, which I appreciate these days.

4) I hope to have an interview with MOA for the Event Planning internship by the end of next week, the HR Recruiter is out of town til this Monday, so I'll hear from her than.

5) The HR Recruiter from CC called me yesterday while I was at work, I called back today but had to leave a message, and haven't heard since. Perhaps tomorrow. But once again, I work. So more than likely I'll miss the call. We always play phone tag. So gosh darn frustrating.

6) I am loving the fact that decisions are slowly coming in. Because that narrows down my options and lets me move on to the next chapter in my life. Stay tuned. 01 02 18

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A teeny tiny update.

Received an e-mail from the HR Recruiter, it's still another couple weeks til the final candidates are selected. Yes, the final candidates (plural) - meaning there is still one more step to be completed, whether that be an in-person interview, or just them discussing everyone again. Not really sure. I'll wait a couple (ish) weeks to find out.

In the mean time, my ASM at work e-mailed our district manager and reiterated the fact that I applied for a Corporate job, have a degree, and I'd be a great candidate and am basically interested in any position. My ASM said she responded quickly and was excited that I was interested (I've only met her once, and don't think she remembers me...) and we shall see where that goes.

I also got over-time last week. Meaning I got time and a half for some hours, which I like. My GSM may not like that I got over-time but when I got called every single day (yes, every day) to either come in early or stay late, they can't argue with my hours. So, hopefully they see how dedicated I am to the company and that I do enjoy my job. Because I don't think I want to leave CC, if I did, it'd only be temporary, it's too much fun working with them. Seriously, who can say they love there job? I can.
01 02 18

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Today at work a friend visited me from school. I love when I have visitors, especially random, it's such a nice surprise! And she had a friend with her who also just graduated. I got asked the dreaded question of what is your plan? Is it really necessary to have a plan. I mean, things just kind of happen as they come, right? I am a planner. Yes, but I don't have a life plan. I have a planner for like next week and next month's events, not 10 years from now, let alone 3 months from now these days. So, anyway, I said I applied for a Corporate job with CC and that would be down in TX (which I have not heard back from them yet, however, the HR Recruiter is gone through this Thursday I found out, so maybe Friday?), and she replied with "I love Texas." Great. So that got me thinking again. And a co-worker said they really like Texas, and the economy is doing great right now - which I can't confirm or deny, but she was more excited for Texas than Minnesota. And the third sign (as things come in threes typically) a Texas shirt in the Forever21 window at Rosedale. I know, nothing solid, but these little things are what I notice. Because it really is the little things that matter.

That's about it. My application for the Ranch is in the envelope ready to go, stamp and everything. But for some reason I haven't mailed it yet. Hm.

Yep, hm. That's all. 01 02 18

Friday, August 5, 2011

No, I'm not a manager.

I got asked tonight by a fellow Charmer, whom I have been working with since she started maybe three weeks ago or so if I was a manager. No? I am not. She did recall the conversation we had about me applying for Corporate, so maybe she assumed I had to be an ASM to do so. Well, whatever her conclusive reasons were for thinking I was, I wish I could have been able to say yes. I'm def the fav at work, which has its benefits, but when I'm paired up with the ASM and GSM for markdowns, and we are THE team? A bit too obvious. And when I can shop around at the clearance jewelry that night but others get told to get back to work? Hmm. At least the hierarchy is in my favor? I'm definitely glad I fit in with this 'family' of charming people, but now the question will be asked soon, can I be promoted to ASM, please?

I have until December (in my mind right now) - Because at that point I would like to go to Montana for the winter months and see what's there. The whole 5 month commitment is SO appealing, I'd be gone only from December through April. Still get to go to Cancun in a couple months AND the UK in Spring. It'd be perf.

But what to do until the end of November? 4 months away. Be a manager? And then come back and see if I'd be able to re-accept my spot. Hm. Sure, let's try this. 01 02 18

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Each day is different in my mind.

One day I think this, the next I think that. I swear my brain has no off setting. Meh. Would I change that? Nope. Not a bit.

Alright, so tonight (yes there has been a lot of posts, but totally needed) I accomplished the following list:

1. E-mailed Olympic National Park telling them of my interest in a position.
2. E-mailed Lone Mountain Ranch (IN MONTANA) for winter seasonal employment. I'm actually oddly excited about this. Don't ask, just let me be and don't tell me that I don't know what I'm doing. Because I do know what I want. And no one knows how my mind work 'cept me. Alright, so yes, that did just happen.
3. E-mailed my cover letter and resume to Shedd Aquarium for the MarComm Assistant position.

So, that's all. Which is actually a lot. Let's see what the week brings, hearing from places perhaps - having something lined up soon. It's happening. What is 'it'? Who knows. 01 02 18

My obsession.

Beluga Whales. Why? Their constant grin, their creamy white skin, their gentleness, their ballet moves in the water. Everything. I'm baffled by these creatures. I don't understand them and that's such an attraction. And what did I just learn:

Connecticut has one of the top Beluga exhibits in the country and is a leader for the U.S. with the amount of beluga information they have. And what else do they offer? A Beluga Encounter.

Yep. Add it to the list. I might have to go here soon. 01 02 18

New Idea, New Places.

I'm back in my state of mind that I've had all year long at school until April-ish. I don't want to 'settle' down somewhere, that's not me right now. I want to travel, and move around, and try new things, and see what the world looks like. So here's the deal. I've been applying to many things under the sun right now. Here's the start of my list.

1. The two AmeriCorps positions
2. Working at Olympic National Park in Washington
3. Marketing Communications Assistant at Shedd Aquarium, Chicago

Alright, so I guess it's not THAT many places so far. But here is what else I want to do in life, both now and later.

1. Work for a cruise line, preferably in Alaska. Checked out the Coolworks website, there are plenty of them out there!
2. Head back to Utah for the canyons, whether to work at Red Mountain Spa Resort or to just go on vacation there for the annual Jeep tour.
3. Visit Georgia. Not only pick peaches, but visit Phi Mu Headquarters, and see the WORLD'S LARGEST AQUARIUM in Atlanta.
4. Tour Michigan University and learn more about the Masters International Program
5. Look up and visit all six of the aquariums in the country that have beluga whales.
6. Look up all possible marine life programs for school. Yep, I said it. I just am in love too much with animals, specifically the gentle giants of the oceans.

Well that sorta turned into a bucket list. But hey, I've got to keep track of what I want to do in life. I don't plan on stopping anytime soon, I've got to up and move places, see things, and experience life, for now is the time to do that.

01 02 18

Monday, August 1, 2011

I think I've got things figured out.

After much thinking this weekend, and a great chat with one of the ASMs at markdowns last night. I think I've got the next chapter in my life figured out.

If I get offered the job in Texas, I am going to decline. That may be a shock to some, as this would be a fantastic opportunity, however, this decision totally makes sense. And I'm doing something for myself. Which sometimes I do overlook. One of the factors that contribute to this is money, as being a manager would earn me more than going down to Texas and starting from scratch. And I enjoy the store setting a lot. I'm not a cubicle girl, at all. I have learned this.

So here is the plan.

Step One. Wait to hear from Corporate. Tell them I will think about the position overnight if I am given an offer, but graciously decline. Then have a discussion with my GSM at work about possible management positions in the near future (and adding in that I have applied for AmeriCorps, for two reasons - 1) so she knows the truth that I might up and move without a ton of notice and 2) to put pressure on her that I might up and move.)

Step Two. Be persistent with the two AmeriCorps positions I'm interested in. The first position is working as an Independent Living Skills mentor with the foster home, Youthnet, north of Seattle. I would assist with the transition of young adults being on their own, since at age 18 they no longer receive assistance. So introducing budgets, finding work, being independent, applying to schools, all that jazz is encompassed with the position. The second position is as a Program Assistant for the Girls Rock YMCA camp, out of the YMCA Seattle with the camp taking place on the San Juan Islands in July 2012. I would help recruit girls around the greater area of Seattle for this 10 week camp, promoting why they should apply and help with the planning and preparation that goes into the camp and then I serve as a Camp Counselor at the camp. The camp is centered around rock climbing and building self-confidence for these girls, who are middle schoolers through high schoolers. Both positions sound like a great fit for me and I would love going to work to help others. The positions have a September 1st start date, which is only one month away. So who knows, things could happen quite quickly. And both end by August 2012. To which I would come back home to Minnesota and take the next step in my life, whether that be back with CC, applying for another AmeriCorps position, or finding one of the government jobs that you can gain access to with AmeriCorps experience.

Step Three. There really aren't any more steps. I have given both my options above. Another advantage to the management route if I don't get the AmeriCorps positions, is that there is talk of a new store opening in about 6-8 months at Arbor Lakes in Maple Grove. To which, more than likely I would be an ASM. Which is also exciting. They will have the 2012 store set-up which is completely different from the stores now. Oh boy, retail is drawing me in...

Step Four. (I know there was no step three, but now I'm making a list). If I am here in Minnesota, I will have a couple trips in my future:

1) Cancun, Mexico late this Fall
2) The UK in June 2012

So, I mean, I love traveling, and this is exciting. If I'm away, chances are I won't be able to get off work to take these trips. Not impossible, but a bit more limited.

So, this is where I am at. And I'm okay with that.
01 02 18