Sunday, February 13, 2011


Brother joked last night that he was going to start charging me rent for having my belongings at his new house. I said I'm not even here for it to be worth $100. His response, "I wish you were." And so the guilt begins. He wasn't really joking.

I knew this would happen. I have somewhat prepared myself on what to say and do that will not only allow me to stand my ground but also find the positive in leaving the Midwest. I personally know why, yet having my family understand me is another thing.

When asked if I was coming home this Sunday by Dad I said "We'll see." Dad always gets his last two cents in and says "You'll be gone a long time after you leave, you should be spending time at home." Thanks for wanting me to spend time at home, yet do you realize how crazy busy I am at school. That even after I was home for the evening I came back and was in the clay studio til 1am. Sometimes I wish my family could follow me around for a week so they realize that I'm balancing so much.

And now to add one more item to my plate, I'm balancing spending more time at home. Impossible? No. Probable? No. Right now this is how my life goes. 01 02 03
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1 comment:

  1. It's important to remember we do no control other people's emotions. Although we wish we could sometimes, especially with family members, we cannot. And also remember that you are not bound to any decision you make. Nor will you be bound to your new life in the West. Your home is your anchor. That's what your bound to.
