Sunday, February 6, 2011

Get to Know You Questions.

My graduation application is due in six days. I discussed decorating my cap (the cap that goes with the gown) for graduation yesterday. I am realizing more and more each that the days are going by too fast and that these moments are my last in college. And although my future will be bright yet unpredictable, I can't help but feel sad that each day that goes by is my last in college. For this post I've chosen Get to Know You Questions. Due to the fact that four months from now I will need to do just that: Get to Know Others.

What is your favorite thing to do? Lately, working out has been my favorite thing to do. I feel so energized and healthy, plus I run to release any stress or tension that may have built up. However, I also enjoy listening to music and relaxing on my bed with my computer and Christmas lights plugged in.
Do you like to cook? Love to cook. Discovered coconut shrimp not too long ago. A dream of mine is to have a double oven in my home kitchen I'll someday own.
Do you live alone? Currently, yes. I am a Resident Assistant in the Residence Halls on campus and have my own room. But I am always surrounded by my staff, residents, and friends. Never would I give a negative connotation to this.
Which was the last book you read? I started reading Marley & Me after watching the movie last month. However, time got the best of me and I have yet to pick the book back up. I also started Contact last semester; the last book I read in entirety was Breaking Dawn last summer.
Do you have any siblings? One older brother by 2 1/2 years.
Which sport do you like the best? I enjoy playing and watching baseball. Specifically the MN Twins.
Have you ever lived in another country? Define 'Live.' I have traveled in other countries and thus stayed in Europe for three months. I would consider myself an inhabitant of their culture and territory.
How do you spend your leisure time? Catching up on the news on TV, listening to Cities97 on the radio, or curled up in leggings and a hoodie checking e-mail and Facebook with water or tea at my side.
Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures? I would rather take the pictures. That way when I look at the picture I can remember vividly the other side of the camera lens at what I was looking out at. However, capturing moments and events - I'd also like to be in pictures. Seeing the progression of fashion and age can be humorous.
Are you a morning, afternoon, or evening person? Morning or evening - I can be either. The afternoon should be my cat nap time as my eye lids get quite heavy around this time.
Which languages do you speak? Dominantly English. I speak a tiny amount of Spanish (as I've had four years). I would love to learn French someday. Right now, the international students I work with have been teaching me little things like 'thank-you' in Chinese.
Do you like to play a musical instrument? I attempted the flute in fourth grade but didn't have the patience nor persistence or the motivational instructor. I have always dabbled on the piano/keyboard. I can play The Entertainer at a slow pace, but decent, one day I hope to be more fluent.
What were your favorite subjects in school? I enjoyed the science courses: Biology and Chemistry. And the Art History component of European History.
In ten years, what kind of person will you be? I can't predict the future, but I wish for myself to be who I am today and grow personally each day: always learning, charismatic, and healthy.
Do you like to dance? Yes. More so now than I ever have before. Ballet and hip-hop are on my to-do list of classes to take.
Do you live in a house or an apartment? I grew up in an apartment for the first 21 years of my life. I grew content with what we had, yet yearned for greater space and exploration. Now, my brother owns a house to which our family resides in. I don't visit as frequent anymore since school occupies my time very much. However, when a house becomes a home is a personal admiration I have. 01 02 03
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