I won't have time to do these day by day posts EVERY day. But I have the night off. And want to share (and remember!) my first days with the Company. So here goes, Day Four.
The meaning of "It's Friday" doesn't quite exist when you work weekends. When I woke up today, I thought I'm glad it's Friday so I can catch up on sleep and clean this weekend, but alas!, I work. Tomorrow at the Mall for the Pride of Vietnam event and Sunday night for a CC Social and spiffing up the store before the Regional Manager comes Monday morning. So much for catching up on sleep, errands, and cleaning. I'll be glad just to get my clothes washed, folded, and vacuum the basement (where I live. In case you forgot.)
So, onward to Friday. Today was a relaxing day. I was able to have TWO glasses of hot apple cider (yes, the non-real kind in the instant packets, but nonetheless) from the endless supply of hot water at work. Which, is why I will bring my own tea box & bottle of honey. Yep, I haven't changed :)
I went on the Mall Walk today, as I will do each Friday, to check for extra event signage around the Mall. And delivered the show times to each Guest Service desk.
Then, this was an exciting part. Seeing the MASSIVE, and I mean MASSIVE, amount of lost items the Mall has accumulated over the past 2-3 months. There is a whole room dedicated to lost items. Clear garbage bags full of brand new things (that people buy, set down, and forget about), leftover clothing left on benches, on rides, etc. And strollers by the handful - how do you forget a stroller? The real kicker. Someones luggage. Full. Not just their luggage, but their clothing and everything. How the heck do you lose that?
Well anyway. All of these very nice things were donated today to Cornerstone, who will be able to sort through everything and give out everything they can. I loved this part of the day. It was such a great feeling. I'm sure I'll do it in another 2-3 months. Amazing.
On to Scrapfest. This event will go down in one week. Today, I made the badges for the vendors whom will be there. Monday, I will laminate them, and they will be sorted and ready to go for Thursday.
A couple signs made for Toddler Tuesdays, a few slides prepared for the big screen, and Friday came and went.
Each day is something new, and that's what I love.