Wednesday, January 9, 2013


res·o·lu·tion [rez-uh-loo-shuh n] noun

1. a formal expression of opinion or intention made, usually after voting, by a formal organization, a legislature, a club, or other group. Compare concurrent resolution, joint resolution.
2. a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.
3. the act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
4. the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose.
5. the act or process of resolving or separating into constituent or elementary parts.
Resolutions. Each year I mentally make them. (Or so I think, I can't completely recall.) And each year I mentally forget them as the days go by. Not because I didn't want to have that firm resolution to do something, more so because I forgot, meaning my resolutions weren't SMART goals. (Side note: SMART goals come from my sorority when I presented a Chapter Development on goals, ever since I have remembered; specific, meaningful, attainable, relevant, timely.) But last year, January 1st 2012, I opted to write down my resolutions. Which helped. And by writing down, I mean typed them on my iPhone. Where, on any given day, I can instantly read what I would like to improve upon, change, alter, or continue doing. Some days (many days) I do love technology.
Last year, I included items to continue doing as well as add, quite like a to-do list. (At one time I tried to give up lists, thinking they weren't necessary, I have since retracted that statement.) Resolutions I did accomplish included giving my prom dresses to Ever After Gowns - as I didn't want to simply give them to Goodwill because I couldn't dare think of someone buying them simply to 'trash' via zombie crawls, Halloween costumes, or specific photo shoots. I had such a feel-good-feeling after this donation, and as a bonus, I completed a resolution. (See, I really do like checking things off a list, I shouldn't ever deny that.) Other successful resolutions included eating healthy, exercising more, breathing deeply, drinking more tea, taking vitamins, and volunteering more. My resolutions aren't anything like, "win the lottery" or "own an island," but more so habits, daily life changes, and a betterment to life. Because we all can change for the better, there will always be something that can be done to improve oneself.
After reviewing 2012's resolutions, I started drafting 2013's resolutions oh, back in October, I would say. Slowly adding to the list of what to continue and what to add. Drum roll, please.
Continue taking vitamins.
Continue running. At least twice a week!
Continue eating healthy.
Add yoga more often. Once per week!
Read classic books. And more in general.
Travel one place every month.
Be very frugal.
Pick up one trip per month.
Always appreciate family.
Make gifts. Only create.
Save money.  
Waa-lah! My resolutions. Not too small, nor too large. These resolutions are #perfect. Not only are they presently perfect, they define me. They shape me, and I love reading over and over again what I had on my mind for the new year. With nine days into this new year, may you too have happy resolutions that are kept, improve yourself, and define you. Happy New Year!
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