Over a month since my last blog. Over a month of flying under my belt. Another month of basement living. Another month. Has come and gone. For as much of a futuristic person I am, I wish time could stand still at moments, or slow down at others. Time. I tell ya.
The job: I love it. I am baffled by it. That's the word I use most to describe my feelings. One of the great perks: overnights. I stay at (mostly) really nice hotels, having a king size bed to myself, my own humble abode for a night. I've seen more airports in the past month than I have my entire life. I've flown 78 hours of actual in-flight time, and over 282 hours away from home. This life. I truly am baffled. I offer pretzels, peanuts, and cookies, and make drinks. And finish Sudoku puzzles, watch TV shows during layovers on my iPhone, read books like I've dreamt of having time for. Is it stressful? Not really. Is it repetitive? Yes. It is challenging? Not really. Do I love it at this very moment in time? Yes.
Basement living: Has not changed. My goal was to finish our basement upon graduation, especially with what I thought would be all the free time I would have on reserve the past month and a half. Did not happen. Goal for 2012 (New Years Resolutions coming): finish the basement. Then I will not only have a humble abode away from home, but a warm, comforting basement to come home to. Because as of now, when I'm gone four days a week, paying rent elsewhere to be for three doesn't make sense.
Time. Is such a precious commodity.