Thursday, August 23, 2012

Circa July 29th Thoughts.

My new thing to do on plane rides (when I am the passenger and not the worker) is to write notes on my phone. I can type much quicker than I write, which appeals to me greatly. This note I wrote on July 29th.

"Soaring above the clouds right now on my flight from JFK to MSP I wonder what I'll be doing in one year. Where I will be living, who will I be friends with, what relationships stay or go, and I wonder who I will be as a person.

I've often had the thought of my San Francisco-yoga loving-tea drinking-self recently. How I desire to have an independent lifestyle centered on health and wellness, balance, and happiness.

I can easily commute with this job once I have a line (definition: a line is when I have a schedule for the whole month of where and when I go, instead of being on call). And that thought is so appealing. Yet, selfish. Could I go without my Minnesota weather, could I go without seeing my friends and family? What would happen and how would life be? These are the things I wonder.

So much of me is ready for a grand adventure, this job provides this is in a heartbeat if I let it. I want my own life, free to do what I want, when I want. Maybe I wanting to grow up too fast, for sometimes I look back and think, "Monica, you should have lived a little more." But so much of me says, "Everything I've done to this point has led me to where I am," and that's why I wouldn't change anything.

I've gotten so close to my family, my brother and dad especially, with them being home more often this summer, and we have a good balance. I have my huge jungle-like garden to which I say next year needs to be twice the size, yet, how do I know I'll be here next year. In Saint Paul Park, in Minnesota?
I love the life I have right now, okay, so I am more confused often than not, but who is to say I can't be happy with confusion. Confusion keeps me on my toes, keeps my thoughts fresh, and mind quick.

All this mumble jumble has been sparked from a possible huge decision. That decision: Emirates. Should I stay or should I go?

I love flying. I love, love, LOVE flying. And I want to see the world. Delta mainline is one option, as is United or any other carrier based domestically. Yet, what about adventure. What about perhaps a little crazy. I'm 23, non-committed anywhere right now, still broke, and wanting adventure and travel. If the two can go hand in hand, why not? Why not take a crazy chance. Why not do a crazy dance. Hilary Duff knew all too well what someones situation could be apparently.

Leave the life in America for the unknown? For the unfamiliar? Heck, I did that for River Falls and that was one of the greatest decisions of my life, so just maybe, maybe, this will be too."

Emirates Airlines. Open House: October 27th. Stay tuned. 01 02 03
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