Monday, May 14, 2012

Car Troubles.

Don't let my Dodge see this post, else she may get a bit mad. Yep. I said that, I can't let her know she may someday be replaced. I am convinced she is a sister of Herbie. If she knows you dislike how she is behaving (okay, well driving or handling) then she will continue to get worse or cause little hiccups along the way.

Here's the truth: she is a bucket of rust underneath the outer body. Unfortunate, but true. She will be getting another spa day to hopefully help her get even more miles than the 150,000+ she's got going on. Later this week: new brakes, turned rotors, new radiator, and alternator. Uffda. I sure hope this helps the car last, because I am not in any situation to get a new car right now.

One) Because I love my little four door car that zips around town like no other and fits into basically any parking spot available.

Two) This has been my only car. I know how to take care of her. And yet, because she is a '97 if the body gets a scratch I don't mind. All in building the cars character. Like the scratch on the top of the trunk? Yep, from my college laundry basket that had a pebble stuck to the bottom and I pushed the basket across the trunk when moving all my stuff back home last year. But you see, these little things are what I love about my car.

Three) Decent fuel mileage. Alright, around town I have only been getting about 23 mpg, but when I was going from school to home and had highway miles logged, I would get about 27 mpg. I shouldn't complain either way.

Four) Most importantly, my comfort level. I've got my mirrors adjusted, my seat pulled forward, and I am in charge. Other cars I don't always have such a strong grip on. I know this comes with time, as I remember my first time reversing in the Dodge. I complained I couldn't see anything. And look how far I've come.

My Dodge, well, I'm not ready to let go quite yet.

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